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To stack all the 2D images from each page of the 3D array into a single 3D image in LabVIEW


I have a 3D array with a datatype of I16 and a size of 401 rows, 401 columns, and 1024 pages. Each page contains data representing a 2D image. I want to create a 3D image by stacking these 2D images from each page of the 3D array.


How can I accomplish this?


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

Hi Bogi17,


How do you expect your 3D image to look like exactly?

Imagine stacking 1024 images on each other, forming a big 3D "block", how are you going to see through all frames?


The only solution I see is creating a video, so you are using time as your 3rd dimension.


What are your I16 values representing?

What are your array dimensions representing (row, column, page)?




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

What do the images represent?


For example of it is a 3D body, you could implement a marching cube algorithm to find its 3D surface and display it in a 3D parametric graph..


You can use three image displays to dynamically show the X, Y, and Z cut plans for any selectable point in the cube.


You can use trilinear interpolation to extract an image any any desired  tilted plane (i.e. remap to another rectangular grid where the point don't match existing voxels).


Once you tell us a bit more of what you are trying to do, we can probably give more specific advice.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Thank you for the suggestion, sir. I'm still unsure about how to proceed with the task.

Essentially, the 3D data is collected from acoustic microscopy, where a total of 1024 samples are collected at different time stamps using ultrasonic scanning. Each sample corresponds to the signals received from the object being scanned, and these signals are stored in their respective pages within the 3D array. The scanning process is specifically focused on a particular object, resulting in higher intensity data from that object.

My goal is to plot all the points of the 3D array. However, some layers of the 3D image may contain unnecessary image data, such as the medium (air) in which the object is present, while some intermediate layers will contain the actual data from the object.

I want to visualize the entire 3D image, including the object and the surrounding medium (air).

Could you please assist me in constructing a block diagram to accomplish this task? I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding this matter.

Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Thank you for the suggestion, sir. I'm still unsure about how to proceed with the task.

Essentially, the 3D data is collected from acoustic microscopy, where a total of 1024 samples are collected at different time stamps using ultrasonic scanning. Each sample corresponds to the signals received from the object being scanned, and these signals are stored in their respective pages within the 3D array. The scanning process is specifically focused on a particular object, resulting in higher intensity data from that object.

My goal is to plot all the points of the 3D array. However, some layers of the 3D image may contain unnecessary image data, such as the medium (air) in which the object is present, while some intermediate layers will contain the actual data from the object.

I want to visualize the entire 3D image, including the object and the surrounding medium (air) but not just the surface.

Could you please assist me in constructing a block diagram to accomplish this task? I am available to answer any questions you may have regarding this matter.

Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

@Bogi17 wrote:

Essentially, the same image was captured at different timestamps, resulting in a total of 1024 instances of the image data being collected

This makes me think of a video! Or maybe you could display a single frame and have a cursor to go through all frames manually.

For us to help further, you need to give us some 3D data (the actual data, not a picture of the array on the front panel).




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

So those 401 x 401 are your resolution and 1024 in depth?

How does that data look like

-is it mostly empty and you want to fill the first picture with data that is behind it?

-You have data everywhere and want to somehow calculate them?

What do you want to do with it?

-you want one static picture with all information?

-you want a picture with different filters?

-you want to construct a 3D object that can be rotated?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

@Bogi17 wrote:

Essentially, the 3D data is collected from acoustic microscopy, where a total of 1024 samples are collected at different time stamps using ultrasonic scanning. Each sample corresponds to the signals received from the object being scanned, and these signals are stored in their respective pages within the 3D array. The scanning process is specifically focused on a particular object, resulting in higher intensity data from that object.nk you!

If there is exactly one "object" per column and the position in that column is e.g. the echo time, We can probably reconstruct the surface of that object. Maybe each "sample" could be reduced to a "distance" to be displayed in an 401x401 intensity graph.


You really need to shows us some sample data so we get a better feeling what the data represent and how you are actually want to display it. Are there existing commercial products that measure something similar? How do they display the data?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Your understanding is really great sir!

Actually i want view it in 3D , so first I want to try a picture with all the information and then to view in 3D manner which can be rotated

So could you please help me with both the approches.


If possible please attach the picture of block diagram sir.


Thank you !


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

@Bogi17 wrote:

If possible please attach the picture of block diagram sir.

Sure, here it is:


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Message 10 of 10