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User events - I sometimes very large queue to activate event structure - how do I detect and prevent this?

I am using User Events to manage my Labview 7.0 program, mainly to decouple the continuous data acquistion from other potentially slower activities. I have several different User Events registered as the program starts running and kept registered until the program is stopped. An example if an interesting attribute is detected, a User Event is generated to activate the 'data-store module' and the data is stored in a separate section of program. However if too many of these User Events happen at once, the event queue gets overloaded and things gradually grind to a halt. Any advice on how to flush the User Event queue to prevent unexpected problems. This is an unusua
l occurrence, but has happened during testing and I would like to prevent this possibility. Events are also used to control the user interaction.
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Message 1 of 4
Hello Lucy
Should you want to flush pendig events, please, take a look at this sample:

Hope it helps you in your application
"Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"
Message 2 of 4
Hello Lucy
Should you want to flush pendig events, please, take a look at this sample:

Hope it helps you in your application
"Qod natura non dat, Salmantica non praestat"
Message 3 of 4
Hi everyone


I've read the "flush user event" by Adam Whiteson, and the VI does exactly what it is intended to do...
Nevertheless I'm concerned with... what happens with the previous user event registration...

Is there a chance that produce a memory leak...?
Have you found another reference to the subject?

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Message 4 of 4