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Why do I get this: VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A5) The interface type is valid, but the specified interface number is not configured.

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I have searched the NI knowledge base and found Document ID: 5389BHR7. I went through the 'solution', but I already had NiVi488.dll - NI-VISA Passport for GPIB checked. I cannot find anything else on the issue. Any help would be appreciated.


Side note: This deployment has worked in the past. I upgraded from LV2009 to LV2013 last year and this is the first time running my installer on a new PC since upgrading. I have migrated all of my VI's to the 2013 format. A PC that was running all of my previous VI's was upgraded, but all I did was install the 2013 run-time and then copied all the new .exe's. They all work. I've imported my hardware configuration as part of the installation process.  

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Message 1 of 12
I can guess you are using some GPIB hardware but you have not provided enough information to tell exactly what you are doing. What is the male and model of your GPIB controller if in fact that is what you are trying to install? What is the exact versions of GPIB and VISA? Where does the error occur - MAX or in your code? Did you create a new installer when you upgraded?
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Message 2 of 12

I'm using the GPIB-USB-HS. I also used this on the development PC when I exported the hardware configuration.

This shows up in my MAX config and when I scan instruments, all of them show up. I can query them in MAX no problem.

My installer includes all the .exe's from my project. As I said, I've done this with my previous 2009 installer without any issue. I upgraded my installer since I upgraded my project for version 2013. The error only happens when I run my code.


.MAX Status.jpg



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Message 3 of 12
Why can't you simply provide the versions of NI-VISA and NI-GPIB. I'm assuming these are what you mean by exe's in the installer but you should be specific.
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Message 4 of 12

I placed a screenshot in my previsous post of my MAX configuration to show what software versions I'm running. NI-VISA is V5.4 and the NI-488 is V3.1.2. The exe's that I'm referring to are my project applications. I use app-builder and create the deployable exe's. Not trying to be secrative. I thought a screenshot of my MAX with all the software versions shown would be good for you to see what I'm running. Thanks!

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Message 5 of 12

Also, I'm assuming when you say NI-GPIB that means my NI-488. I don't have anything that shows NI-GPIB shown even on my development machine.

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Message 6 of 12

I just updated my ni-488.2 to 14. I still have the same error. When I click on the NI-GPIB-USB-HS device, I do not get the ability to run GPIB analyzer. It is dimed out. If I right-click over the device I am able to open the NI 488.2 Troubleshooting Utility. It shows PASS under result. When I open the GPIB Analyzer, I cannot open any GPIB device to analyze because it says "No Hardware". This is very strange.

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Message 7 of 12
Since you don't have a GPIB analyser, it's not strange at all. Only the '+' models have the analyser ability.

Sorry, I didn't notice the drivers at the bottom of the screen. After upgrading to version 14, do you still get the original error that you mentioned?
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Message 8 of 12

Is there any way to get support on this issue??????

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Message 9 of 12
Accepted by topic author T_Bragg

I have found the solution. I had removed my VISA Alias names and only had the GPIB::6::INST because I was having issues with a version of VISA runtime. This was resolved once I got an appropriate VISA version installed. Now that VISA was installed proplerly, I had to actually give a "Name" for each piece of equipment. Hence the "specified interface number is not configured" error message. Once I reassigned all the VISA instruments on my GPIB bus with a name, everything started working again.

Message 10 of 12