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Xflow error 31

Hi everyone, I'm having problems with a LabVIEW 8.6.1 FPGA compile. The VI in question uses a 24MHz derived clock to run a timed loop containing an IP core created using Xilinx System Generator with 3 FIFOs (target-scoped, block memory) being used to pass data between another loop running at 200kHz and the timed loop. We're 99.9% sure that the IP core should compile so the problem is coming from the LabVIEW end of things.

Upon compiling, the following error is returned:


 * TS_window_Clk40Derived3x5ClkFXFromDCM0 =  | SETUP   |  -122.596ns|   163.841ns|      63|     7613992
  PERIOD TIMEGRP         "window_Clk40Deriv | HOLD    |     0.070ns|            |       0|           0
  ed3x5ClkFXFromDCM0" TS_Clk40 / 0.6 HIGH 5 |         |            |            |        |           
  0%                                        |         |            |            |        |           




 PAR done!
ERROR:Xflow - Program par returned error code 31. Aborting flow execution...



As you can see, the constraint is being missed by a huge margin (equivalent to about 2.9 ticks of the 24MHz clock) which makes me think that it has to be an erroneous constraint.

A similar issue is reported at but this has not solved my problem. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this error?




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Message 1 of 4
****message deleted****
Message Edited by muks on 03-19-2010 03:22 PM
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Message 2 of 4
It isn't a top level clock, it's a derived clock. I've compiled things on a 24MHz clock before so that isn't the issue.
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Message 3 of 4
Yeah after posting i noticed that....:smileyhappy:
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Message 4 of 4