01-27-2025 07:06 AM
Im new to Xnet and want to collect can data from NI9862 module on a cRIO-9047.
I have created a Xnet session in my project and drag och drop it to my VI.
When i run it i get an unexpected error that i dont understand.
I have taken the code from an NI example code just for testing.
The code is very simple.
I have set up to log 13 signals in my session.
This is my error:
Error -1074384753 occurred at XNET Read (Signal Single-point).vi:5730002
Possible reason(s):
NI-XNET: (Hex 0xBFF6308F) The function you called is not defined for the session mode (e.g., you called a frame I/O function on a signal I/O session).
Complete call chain:
XNET Read (Signal Single-point).vi:5730002
AC LoggerRT_Main.vi
Can someone explain it to me i would be grateful.
01-28-2025 07:22 AM
Please show us the configuration of the XNET session on the LabVIEW project.
01-30-2025 06:03 AM
Here is the info
01-31-2025 07:32 PM
I have never used the XNET session configured on the LabVIEW project myself. I always use XNET API to create the session. Perhaps you are missing the address claiming which is crucial for J1939. Try using shipping examples instead. Go to Help >> Find Examples... >> Hardware Input and Output >> CAN >> NI-XNET >> Introduction to Sessions >> Signal Sessions