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create a task to ni cdaq conect by ehternet

hi everybody


I am doing a program, that i create a task for a cdaq card but i connected it using USB,


now i am going to change the cdaq, to a new cdaq that i connect ussing ehternet, my queston  is, if i want to create a new trask for this card, how can i do??


is the same way that if i connect by usb??



or changes all the programation...?




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Message 1 of 3

Hi Alan,


I never created a Task inside the program, I usually create them on MAX, but I believe it is about the same thing. Make sure the cDAQ chassis is recognized in MAX. Once it is found, you can provide each module a name (as in "Dev1" for USB devices), and then I believe you can use this given name to create any task you want.



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Message 2 of 3

The ethernet cDAQ chasis will be recognized in MAX just like any other DAQ device connected to your computer.


(as rodmar said) once it is recognized in MAX, you program it the same as your USB device.  Depending on your module and task you may even be able to keep your code identical and just change the physical channel to your ethernet cDAQ device.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 3 of 3