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decode data from cc2431 zigbee

I have extracted these data from USB-UART cable before entering to the z-location software ( zigbee location engine). 

0C 80 E0 90 6E 9C 80 72 1E 82 72 00 1C 00 1E 00 10 FC 0C 82 00 00 00 60 0C FE 

Now i am looking for a method to extract X and Y by myself.

The real X and Y for the above data are x= 1.5 and Y= 1.75 


According to different experiments I found that it should be from   " 1C 00 1E 00 10 FC 0C 82 00 00 00 60 0C FE " 

but how can I get the X and Y values?



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Message 1 of 9

Do you have any information about..


--> Header/Footer pattern

--> Data length


Otherwise, I can help, but after watching this movie...!!

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Message 2 of 9

@mehdi343 wrote:

I have extracted these data from USB-UART cable before entering to the z-location software ( zigbee location engine). 

0C 80 E0 90 6E 9C 80 72 1E 82 72 00 1C 00 1E 00 10 FC 0C 82 00 00 00 60 0C FE 

Now i am looking for a method to extract X and Y by myself.

The real X and Y for the above data are x= 1.5 and Y= 1.75 


According to different experiments I found that it should be from   " 1C 00 1E 00 10 FC 0C 82 00 00 00 60 0C FE " 

but how can I get the X and Y values?

I can't see '1E' byte in the data/message...!!

Understanding the message pattern (must be documented somewhere) is mandate...!!

I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.

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Message 3 of 9

Here is the frame of packets

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Message 4 of 9

Sorry but not getting any clue...!!

You need to really tell us, how to form/parse data from RAW packets...!! I think once you get this information, even you'll be able to do it at your own... but getting this information is required...!!

I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.

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Message 5 of 9

Would you please take a look at this link?


This may be the structure of packets.



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Message 6 of 9

Here is the information that company gave me:


Command: SOP CMD LEN Data FCS

' SOP= 1byte 0x02
' CMD= 2bytes MSB LSB
' LEN= 1byte LEN of bytes in Data field else 0
' FCS= 1byte (Frame check sequence) This field is computed as an XOR of all the bytes in the message starting with CMD
'               and through the last byte of data. The receive XORs all the received data bytes as indicated above and the XORs the received FCS field.
'               If the sum is not equal to zero, the received packet is in error.

' CMD: Bit 15-12 =Cmd Type, Bit 11-0 = Cmd Number.
' Cmd Type: Bit 0 - Response bit - if set, this bit indicates a response message.
' Cmd Type: Bit 1 - Subscription bit - if set, this bit indicates that this message was the result of a subscription to a callback service.
' Cmd Type: Bit 2 - Debug/Trace bit - if set, this bit indicates that this message is either a Debug or Trace message.
' Cmd Type: Bit 3 - Reserved

' Command Number is the least significant 12 bits of the CMD field.
' 0x000-0x07F   System Commands (RAM R/W, Debug,Trace,etc)
' 0x080-0x0FF   MAC Interface
' 0x100-0x3FF   NWK Interface
' 0x400-0x4FF   PHY Interface
' 0x500-0x5FF   SPI
' 0x600-0x6FF   Sequence Interface
' 0x800-0x8FF   APS Interface
' 0x900-0x9FF   AF  Interface
' 0xA00-0xAFF   ZDO Interface
' 0xB00-0xBFF   Device Interface

And the Cluster ID 0x0014

        Case Z_SYS_APP_MSG  '02 10 18 Len then data in d as below
                            '1 bytes-Application Endpoint CB=203 fot this app
                            '2-Source address-low byte first - of the received message
                            '1-Source endpoint of the received message
                            '2-Cluster ID - low byte first - of the received message
                            '1-Length of the received message
                            'xx- received (over-the-air) message. Section 3 message formats by Cluster ID.
                            'Cluster ID:0x0014
                            '1-Status 0=Success 1=Not enough reference node responding.
                            '2-Blind node's calculated X Postion Bits 15-2 meters bits 1-0 0.25 meters.
                            '2-Blind node's calculated Y Postion Bits 15-2 meters bits 1-0 0.25 meters.
                            '1-Number of reference nodes used in calculation 0-8
                            '2-Closest (based on RSSI) reference node's short address 0x0000-0xFFFA,0xFFFE is invalid
                            '2-Closest reference node's X postion. Bits 15-2 meters bits 1-0 0.25 meters.
                            '2-Closest reference node's Y postion. Bits 15-2 meters bits 1-0 0.25 meters.
                            '1-Closest reference node's RSSI

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Message 7 of 9
Here is new raw data according to above structure
02 10 18 14 CB F5 50 D3 14 00 OD 00 09 00 05 00 04 7B 28 00 00 00 00 28 CB

How to calculate x and y in the before values?
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Message 8 of 9

Ok. Thanks, I got it!!!!!!!

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Message 9 of 9