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how to plot data in tabular form.......

I am doing a project where in i need to plot the output from the waveform graph  by using a table or spreadsheet to see the change in data with respect to time.  i am doing a project to measure the heat flow and its effects. i am trying to show the change in heat flow with respect to change in colour. i am also trying to show this data by means of change in colour when there is an change in data in an intensity graph. but its not working. can someone please help me to solve these problem...   thanks in advance..
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Message 1 of 8


To really be able to help you can you attach your VIs? And give us more details about the LabVIEW version you use.


    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 2 of 8
I am attaching the vi what i am using for my project. the first block on the top is to write some data to the digital port of ni daq ni 6009. the second one below is used to plot the waveform of an analog input. The labview version is 8.2.1. I need  to plot the waveform graph output on a tabular colomn to note the variation in analog voltage and i am also trying to plot these variation by means of colour change. i tried using intensity graph. but i am not able make it work in the way i want. can u please help me out to solve these problems
thanking you
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Message 3 of 8


To change the color in a graph you can use property node and change the color in function of the value with the comparison and a Case Structure.

To put your data in a ‘table column’ you can create an array of DBL on your front diagram then wire you data in this array. You can also use Write to Spreadsheet VI.

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 4 of 8

Thanks for the reply. i am not trying to change the colour in a graph. i am trying to make a colour box where in the colour changes when ever there is a change in the analog input. i am sorry as i didn't understand properly.


Thanking you



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Message 5 of 8
Your phrase " I need  to plot the waveform graph output on a tabular colomn" makes no sense. You either plot on a graph or you put the results into a table. Which is it? And what color are you trying to change? The color of the line, or the color of a row/column in some table?
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Message 6 of 8
I am trying to measure the intensity of heat by which it is shown by means of increase in voltage. In order to show the increase in heat flow, i m trying to make  a colour pattern where in the colour changes with respect to the change in output voltage.  In these i dont know how to implement the colour change pattern with change in output.
thanking you
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Message 7 of 8
With a regular graph/chart you can't change the color of the line for just a piece of the plot. Setting the plot color changes the color of the whole line. You can do this with a picture plot, but the operation will be really slow, as you need to redraw the picture each time you add a point. Not sure what you're trying with the intensity graph/chart as your VI doesn't have this. An intensity chart/graph is really intended for use with X/Y/Z data. There's a few examples that ship with LabVIEW that show you how to use intensity graphs/charts. Have you taken a look at these?

You can use a table to indicate an "overheat" condition by simply changing the background color of the cell as you write the value to the table. Attached is a crude example that you can start with.

A couple of notes about your VI: How are you running this VI? Are you using the continuous run button on the toolbar? I ask this because that's usually when we see someone using the STOP function. This is not indended for normal use. If you are reading an analog voltage in response to a change in a digital line then your whole code should be in a single loop.

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 03-12-2008 11:44 AM
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Message 8 of 8