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how to read and display a signal from my a miccrontroller (MCB1700) onto labview connected via a CAN port on a PXI machine

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How do you read and display a signal from my a miccrontroller (MCB1700) onto labview connected via a CAN port on a PXI machine?


I tried using a DAQ Assistant but the CAN port is not included as one of the supported physical channels even though all its drivers are upto date.


Please help..



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Message 1 of 24

Which CAN Device are you using?


If you're using an NI-CAN device, go to MAX and select the Channel and launch the Bus Monitor.


Same procedure if you're using an NI-XNET device.


If you're using a third party CAN device, you'll have to use their software and API to monitor the CAN port.

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Message 2 of 24

NI-Can device (NI PXI-8461) is indicated that it is working properly on Max but my problem is, I don't know what option to use when making the block diagram in order for me to see my signal from my microcontroller (MCB 1700).


Please help..



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Message 3 of 24
Accepted by topic author fhaljauf

If you can read it in MAX, then you should be able to run with the NI CAN Example.

Help->Find Examples

Search for CAN and look at CAN


Basically, Configure the Network, Open the Object, Read in a Loop, Close Object when done.


If you have questions about the example, go ahead and post your vi and we can work from there.

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Message 4 of 24

Below is the error mesage that i get when i try to run the CAN Receive


Error -1074388957 occurred at NI-CAN Configure Network Interface Object (


NI-CAN:  (Hex 0xBFF62023) The Interface is invalid or unknown.  Solution: Verify that the interface is assigned to a specific port within the Devices and Interfaces branch of  the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX).


What do you think is the problem?

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Message 5 of 24

How does your interface show up in MAX?


For my system, my NI-CAN device is CAN0.  Is that what you're using?

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Message 6 of 24

Attached herewith is a print screen of what is showing on MAX


The CAN ports are on NI PXI-8461


Hopefully that clarrifies something.

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Message 7 of 24

Attached herewith is a print screen of what is showing on MAX


The CAN ports are on NI PXI-8461


Hopefully that clarrifies something.

Download All
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Message 8 of 24

Odd.  I didn't realize that you were running through a remote PXI chassis.

I don't think this should really affect things though.


Here's how my device shows up in MAX:

MAX CAN Config.png


What version of NI-CAN are you running?

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Message 9 of 24

NI-CAN 2.6.1 (2.6.1f0)

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Message 10 of 24