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how to set x axis as passing seconds

Hi all


I have a block diagram as in the attachment.I am reading pressure values on y axis and time values in x axis.My problem is how can i fix x axis as passing time in terms of seconds.Becasue x axis stuck between 0 and 0.2 seconds because of the selection of wait(200ms) i did.However when i remove it this time i cannot see any line in the graph as in the pic1.jpg file.


I want to write this values into an excel file so the values must contain from beginning to whenever i click stop.


Hope I can explain it clearly.





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I think your problem is in the DAQmx Read.  You need to wire "Number of Samples per Channel" (1000) to force it to wait until all the samples are present.  It looks like you are returning two samples, in which case the Chart is correct.  Otherwise, the code should work ("Famous Last Words") ...


Bob Schor

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