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intensity chart configuration

I'm using LabVIEW 8.5 to take an instrument reading, match it with its corresponding x & y axis location and display it in an Intensity Chart.  The instrument is moving back and forth along the y axis while the product moves continuously along the x axis (continuous sheet/rolled goods manufacturing).  When the instrument reaches the product edge along the y axis, it reverses direction.  As a measurement is taken, it is added to an array.  The x & y axis locations are also stored in their own arrays.  So three 1D arrays (array #1: x-axis positions, array #2: y-axis positions, #3: measurement at each position) are generated at the end of each pass.  The arrays are then combined into a 2D array and sent to the Intensity Chart.  Unfortunately, the resulting chart just plots a single row along the x-axis.  I’ve tried manipulating the data in different ways, but I’m just shooting in the dark at this point.  I would appreciate any feedback on what I'm doing wrong. The .txt document contains the x, y measurement results I'm trying to plot.The .vi uses simulated data to illustrate how my data is sorted and plotted.
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Message 1 of 6

An intensity chart takes a single 2D array which adds new columns with each write. You seem to only want to add a single point.


In any case, you need to map your xy positions into array indices. See DemoMOD3 for an example.



To read the file, you again need to map the x and y values into array indices and then replace the value at these positions with the z value accordingly.


See DemoMOD2 for a simple example.



If you want to completely fill the 2D array, you could do something like in yet another example (DemoMOD).



Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck! 🙂

(These are very rought drafts, so modify as needed).
Message Edited by altenbach on 11-18-2008 06:12 PM
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Message 2 of 6
Altenbach, thanks for the help.  The intensity chart is what I'm looking for, but is there a way to use the downweb distance values instead of scan count for the x-axis?
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Message 3 of 6

Yes, assuming the x values are equally spaced, simply set the offset and multiplier using property nodes (similar to what I did when reading from the file). If the multiplier is always the same, you could even permanently configure the axis properties.

Same for the y-axis.

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Message 4 of 6
Unfortunately, the data is not evenly spaced on the x-axis.  It is most of the time, but not often enough.  If that's the only alternative, then I'll have to live with it.
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Message 5 of 6
Another option would be to use a 3D line graphs. They accept [x,y,z] data directly.
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Message 6 of 6