The simple answer to your question is really "don't bother". You'll get in a lot of troubles to save very little computation.
What you are asking for is basically equivalent to a non-destructive zoom performed on the IFFT instead of the usual FFT. If the time interval your are interested in [t1, t2] is more than, say 10% of the entire time record returned by the direct IFFT, the saving in processing time will be insignificant. If your interval is very small, the processing time needed will converge toward approximatelly half the standard IFFT processing time. So you won't save more than, at best, 50% of your computation time anyway. Is it worth the trouble?
The "zoom IFFT" concept could save you some memory, but in your case it doesn't sound like it is an
Finally, the FFT and IFFT routines have been highly optimized in LabVIEW 7.0 with significant performance increases as a result, so if you are not using 7.0 you may consider upgrading. Also make sure you are using the Inverse Real