01-02-2013 01:43 AM
I am not very familiar with labview and I neet a program to realize keithley 2636 measuring current and 2400 offering a 3 volt pulse synchronized.
It means that when 2636 measure one times, 2400 give a pulse. When 2636 measure 100 times, 2400 offers 100 pulses synchronized.
The Channel A of 2636 is used for measuring and Channel B is used for another works.
The attatchment is the labview program I created and it can not be run synchronized.
Thanks for your help!
01-02-2013 03:51 AM
Hi lamlin,
you could read the user manual of both Keithley devices to understand their trigger and synchronization options!
Keithley devices offer a synchronization option using a special cable as described in the manuals and some app notes...
01-02-2013 04:05 AM
HI GerdW,
Thanks for your reply!
In fact, I have the cable which can connect more than two device to computer and I have connected 2636 and 2400 to computer successfully. They can be run in the same labview program, but the result is not my expect.
In principle, I put 2636 and 2400 into the same "for loop" and they should run synchronized. But in real situation, 2636 runs faster than 2400 which results the program is not synchronized.
I want to figure out the reason why it cause and how to solve it.
Thanks for your help!
01-02-2013 04:15 AM - edited 01-02-2013 04:16 AM
Hi Lin,
I did not talk about a GPIB (or similar) cable to connect both devices with a PC, I did talk about the special cable for synchronizing both devices with each other called TriggerLink!
Please read the user manual of your K2400, (chapter 11 on triggers, or figure 1-2 for a view of the rear panel). It describes the TriggerLink capabilities of Keithley devices!
01-02-2013 04:20 AM
Hi GerdW,
Thanks for your help and I will read it now...
Best Regards