02-20-2010 06:38 PM
02-21-2010 11:20 PM
Try posting in english here
I'm a new user. I need your help please. We bought the NI USB-6229 BNC and we want to control two stepper motors. One is connected to MLP08641 Driver High Performance Microstepping Driver. http://www.anaheimautomation.com/manuals/stepper/L010150% 20 -% 20MLP08641% 20Users% 20Guide.pdf
engine is connected to "GND ENGINE, PHASE 4 (-B), PHASE 2 (B), PHASE 3
(-A), PHASE 1 (-A)" and chose the resolution with the board resolution
is in the same driver.
These are my questions: 1. What should I generate signals to control
ON/OFF-? I've seen the examples that come with Labview, but so far no I
can control each of these variables. 2. Once generated, Can I use the
analog outputs of the NI USB-6229 BNC and connect to the engine driver,
and do I use the NI USB-6229 BNC to extract information from Labview?
So far I've only used to read information that is in their entries 3.
How can I control my second engine? PJN29ED18C is the C4557-60003, one
that is mostly used by HP to guide the carousel of the printers of inkjet, but we want to use it in a small process in the workshop. http://www.feedroller.com/Store/images/c4557-60003_n.png
Your help will be invaluable. We have spent much time on this, but we could not, so we decided to write. Beforehand, thank you very much
You can also post in thespanish board
02-24-2010 06:33 AM
02-25-2010 04:36 PM
Hi Saen,
I would highly recommend you post your questions on the spanish discussion forums. They can be found here. Thanks!