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ms2036A labview sample code for ethernet communication

I have downloaded instrument library for Anritsu MS2026A and it seems that all sample codes are for parallel or serial comm interface. Does anybody have any samples using to ethernet comm?
I need to measure S11, S21, and S22 trhu the ethernet interface. I am using labview 7.1. 
Also, will this library work with model ms2036A?
Thanks very much,
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11
Drivers using the ethernet protocol are available in the NI Instrument Driver Network.

Will it work with the MS2036A? If the commands are the same, yes, although it's quite likely there will be some differences.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Thanks smercurio. . .However in the vi "anvna Configure Measurement Mode (VNA).vi" has a visa write vi;  then how do I change it to use TCP comm?  Thanks,




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
You don't. You just specify that you're using TCP/IP via the VISA Resource Name control. To use TCP/IP set the VISA Resource Name to something like "TCPIP::", where the middle part is the TCP/IP address. That's how VISA works.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
The information on the download page for the M2026A says the interface type is Ethernet so I don't understand your comment about parallel or serial. Unless someone has experience with both, I have found that the best way to determine the compatibility between different instruments is to ask the vendor. If you have the manuals for both, you could do a comparison - at least of the important functions.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11
For what it's worth, I had done a quick check on the instrument and the programming interface is ethernet. I also didn't quite understand what the user means by the examples being in serial and parallel, so I just assumed it was an incorrect understanding of the examples, or perhaps the examples were just plain wrong. Regardless, the instrument has an ethernet interface, so the drivers are meant to be for ethernet only. Interestingly enough, the instrument does have a USB interface. It seems this is used by the software suite that Anritsu provides with this instrument.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Thanks for your help. . . and after entering "TCPIP::"  I got an error: -1073807343.  I am using  "anvna Configure Measurement Mode (VNA).vi" Per manual I need to use  IP address for direct connection.  Do I need to enter subnet and gateway info also?.

Thanks again,




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11
That error code means it couldn't find the instrument. This has nothing to do with LabVIEW as it is a network communication issue. Is your computer's IP address on the same subnet? Are you using Windows? If so, open up a command window and enter "ipconfig /all". What does it tell you that your computer's IP address is? If you're on the same subnet, what happens when you type "ping" in the command window? Are you directly connecting the instrument to your PC or are you connecting to a switch or router? If you're connecting the PC directly to the instrument you need an ethernet crossover cable. If you're not on the same subnet you should be able to change the instrument's IP address ( is probably just the default it uses) to match the subnet that your computer is on so that it can see it.

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 06-26-2007 05:31 PM

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Thanks smercurio_fc,

After I changed network settings to match the instrument everything works!  Thanks very much for your assitance.




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Salut , j'ai le même problème de communication avec l'analyseur réseau anritsu ms2036a avec tcp ip ,j'ai suivi les étape que vous avez donné mais aucun résultat En fait moi j'ai windows 7 est ce que il peut être le problème

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Message 10 of 11