10-18-2013 12:44 PM
I'm trying to configure an arbitrary waveform generator Tektronix AFG3101.
I'm using as an example the libraries given by Ni for this instrument to understant how i use the visa system.
I'm able to program the pulse waveform, the burst mode with one cycle, the period, the trigger and to selected the output.
But when i try to configure the pulse with Vmax = 2V and Vlow =0V I'm not successuful and i do not understand why. The generator stays configured with a symmetric pulse.
I'm sending the following commands to the visa write vi:
Does anyone know why these commands are not configured. Is it necessary another configuration prior to this one?
10-21-2013 04:48 AM
Hi Isa_San,
Are you using LabVIEW to program your instrument? what is the version of your software?
The first step you can do is to download the driver of Tektronix AFG3101 which includes specials examples for your instruments.
Let me know if that works!
10-21-2013 06:05 AM
Hi Cindy F.
I have downloaded the drivers, and what i want in fact, I think it is very simple for someone with experience.
I'm using the pc of the university lab, but since it is an old poc we have the labview 2009 oficial version.
I want to configure a pulse waveform in the burst mode with one cycle. Since I want to polarize a ferroelectric I want to send a pulse from 0V to 5V with tektronix and then read the state with a keithley 2400 (this part i think will be no trouble since i already have a functional labview program using gpib functions that i made). Then I need to repeat the procedure but this time the pulse sended by the tektronic will be from 0V to -5V.
WhenI try to configure the Vmax and Vmin it always appers on the tektronic an amplitude value configure from Vpk-pk, which corresponds to a symmetric waveform respectively to zero.
I the drivers from the NI I did not find an example where these parameters were configured like this.
I using visa.vi to try to program the tektronix. I'm sending the program that i have made so far in attachment.
10-21-2013 09:12 AM
Can you try to send only this command (not the rest of the program).
Do you see something?