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qlib and Quancom cards

Hi ...I wonder if you can help. I currently have a Quancom PCIGPIB card which uses non NI commands (QLIB) to enable communication between PC and instrument. I am able to do this in LabView with VI's supplied via Quancom.

My question is this .....We have software on an instrument which uses Standard NI-Commands to find NI compatible GPIB cards. Is it possible to somehow enable the software which uses the NI commands (GPIB commands, ibfind e.t.c.) to find the Quancom card.



I guess I am looking for some sort of conversion or translation application.







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Message 1 of 4



You are right, you can use Quancom device from LabVIEW as it described in the manual of that device ($file/Manual_English_GPIB1.pdf).

You can find programming informations in that PDF, in the chapter 5-6.


What kind of instruments do you have? Is there any operating system on it? What is the application where you can set up hardwares? Can you install drivers on it? Do you have links or screenshot about the user interface of the instrument?




Peter Vago
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4



The problem is not so much , interfacing with the card via LabView. Quancom readily supplies read/write VI's which can be used to control the instrument. You can find all the drivers e.t.c. on the Quancom website and once you have the card installed talking to your instrument is easy.


The problem is old software which has the standard NI GPIB calls such as ibfind within the progrm itself......there is an equivalent for Quancom cards using the Qlib language. The old software cannot translate between NI commands and Qlib commands. And so old instrument control software (in my case electrochemical software controlling a potentiostat) canot find the card and hence cannot be used anymore. I have to build everything from scratch , which i sometimes good and sometimes bad.


I was asking about a translation of sorts so when the control instrument software issues a standard NI command to say find the card , the 'translator' will give it to the card in a language it can understand.




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Message 3 of 4

Any sort of translator would have to operate on a very low level and it would be something that this Quancom would provide.


You would have no problems if the original code used VISA commands and then you chose a vendor that supports this standard. Hard to imagine a vendor that doesn't.

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Message 4 of 4