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"Remove and Rewire" feature/bug?

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OK, I'll send you a reminder in 2014 then...

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 120

@X. wrote:

OK, I'll send you a reminder in 2014 then...

Wow, what pessimism!  It's as if all those customer-requested LabVIEW features I've delievered at or before my promised date over the years never even happened.

Message 12 of 120

I am not sure this humor degree escalation is going to be followed by many, but anyway, that is a clever way of allowing me to give you one more kudo...

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 120

If this particular shortcut is as popular as advertised, I think it should "graduate" to the right-click menu by then.  QD shortcuts should be thought of as try-before-you-buy a new feature.  This one seems to have cleared the bar.  FWIW I would not want it to remove any more or less than what I selected.

Message 14 of 120

Which BTW has been recently suggested here.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 120

@Darren wrote:

Ok, I filed myself CAR 342911 and referenced this thread in the CAR.  I will try to get the 'numeric relaxation' fix in for 2012.

Barring any unforeseen catastrophes, the improved "expected" behavior will be in LabVIEW 2012.  Numeric constants won't be removed if the sink terminal beyond the removed node(s) is any numeric type.  All other data types still require strict matching.

Message 16 of 120

I am adding this comment to my series on the Ctrl-Space Ctrl-R QD shortcut:


ScreenHunter_001.jpg========= Delete the Increment function ========>ScreenHunter_002.jpg



Why did the wire connected to my delete array function get shifted? Now it is hidden by (or overlapping) the other wire and I need to click and drag or shift it.

That defeats the purpose of the "quick"in QD!

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 120

Can you attach a VI containing that diagram snippet to this thread?  I have code in the Remove and Rewire shortcut that is supposed to clean up the created wires...I just call the "CleanUpWire" method in scripting.  That method should avoid creating wires like the one you show in your screenshot, so I'd like to debug the issue further.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 120


I didn't keep it and I can't reproduce it... I was able to, previously, as I tried several undo and redo to take the right snapshots.


0 Kudos
Message 19 of 120

Another request of behavior change for the "Remove QD".


In this example, I changed my mind and removed the units of the temperature control and indicator. The unit conversion functions thus became useless and broke the wires connecting them to the formula node:




If I select the unit conversion function and Ctrl-Space Ctrl-R it, here is what happens:




I suppose this is just one possible example of an "intended" behavior, which is not exactly what would be expected by the user. I mean that you can probably imagine a number of situations where there is a single wire going in an object and a single BROKEN wire coming out of it (or reciprocally) and the expected behavior of Ctrl-space Ctrl-R would be that both pieces of wires are connected (or at least a connection is attempted if that makes sense).

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 120