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"Remove and Rewire" feature/bug?

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Replacing the "Negate" primitive:


Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 13.42.31.png


by a Compound Arithmetic gives this:


Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 13.43.02.png


whereas I would prefer this:


Screen Shot 2014-09-25 at 13.43.27.png



0 Kudos
Message 71 of 120

Why would you need that?  If you are replacing one function with another, it is because you want to do something different.  If it is just to get a functionally equivalent piece of code, there is no reason to ever to the replacement to begin with.

0 Kudos
Message 72 of 120

@X. wrote:

Replacing the "Negate" primitive... 


Makes sense to me. I filed CAR 495471 on this. Should be fixed in LabVIEW 2015.

Message 73 of 120

@RavensFan wrote:

Why would you need that?


One use case off the top of my want to add something to a negated value, but don't want to add another function taking up space on your diagram. Quick Drop Replace the Negate with a Compound Arithmetic, then grow it down and wire the thing you want to add.

Message 74 of 120

Maybe a new one for your consideration.

I have (re)discovered that a Boolean can be connected to a Format to String node when the expected input is a string, resulting in a "TRUE" or "FALSE" string.

Therefore, whenever I have a chance, I clean up old code of the form:


Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 16.54.54.png


The problem is, when I CSCR the Select node, I get this:


Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 16.55.11.png


whereas I obviously want that:


Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 16.55.46.png

0 Kudos
Message 75 of 120

Obviously you want the second thing?  That makes no sense.


You go from wiring a string into a Format into String, where the format string itself is looking for a %s.  And you think the replacement should suddenly be a boolean going in?

0 Kudos
Message 76 of 120

I am not saying it is natural. Just that this is what I was hoping for.

0 Kudos
Message 77 of 120

If it isn't natural, it's not exactly fair to call it obvious.

0 Kudos
Message 78 of 120

It'd be hard to set up rules for that function. As it works, it'll match the current string input of the Format to the left objects, matching a string constant. Prioritizing controls and also considering dynamic input possibilities sound very advanced.

In this case it'd be easier to just delete the Select and wire Condition instead of using the Quick Remove.


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Message 79 of 120

QD cleans up the constants for you.

I ended up deleting the node and manually removing the constants.

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Message 80 of 120