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"Remove and Rewire" feature/bug?

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I'm on your side.  I'm not asking for QD to change to allow this to happen, but I would prefer if it behaved the way you asked for where the constants have less significance than the controls in a remove.

0 Kudos
Message 81 of 120

The solution is in fact to select the two constants AND the Select node. Then CSCR does the proper job:


Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 17.16.55.png==== CSCR ===>Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 17.17.10.png


I agree that there is nothing "obvious" in the original intent. That was not what my "obviously" was referring to, but rather to what I meant by connecting the Boolean to the Format into String.

Message 82 of 120

Not in LV2010. Smiley Sad It still leaves the 'No' constant connected.


Remove & Rewire 1.jpg

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
0 Kudos
Message 83 of 120

@X. wrote:

The solution is in fact to select the two constants AND the Select node. Then CSCR does the proper job:


In LabVIEW 2012 and later (sorry parthabe), Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-R will remove *every* selected wireable object, even constants and control terminals, then it will try to figure out how to wire up what's left. I added this functionality because of discussions way up in this thread, where we were brainstorming how to make Remove and Rewire smarter. Unfortunately, there are cases (like this one) where my scripting code just isn't smart enough to figure out your exact intentions based on wired terminals and data types alone. Because of this, I made the change to remove all selected objects (regardless of wiring arrangement and data types) so you can give LabVIEW a clue as to what you want to happen. In this scenario, all non-nodes (Control Terminals and Constants) are removed *first*, then the wiring of the remaining nodes is calculated. That's why selecting the constants and the Select node gives you what you want in the screenshots above.

Message 84 of 120

Also, just to make sure everybody is aware of the latest and greatest Remove and Rewire features, did you know the [Shift] modifier provides some pretty cool functionality? Here's all the stuff it can do in LabVIEW 2014:


Remove Unused Growable Terminals - If you select one or more of the following objects and press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-Shift-R, all unwired input/output growable terminals are removed, leaving only the wired terminals:

  • Bundle By Name
  • Build Array
  • Concatenate Strings
  • Bundle
  • Merge Errors
  • Unbundle By Name
  • Property Node


Remove Structure - If you select one or more multi-frame structures and press Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-Shift-R, the "Remove Structure" operation is performed. I've been using this one *a lot* since upgrading to LabVIEW 2014...anything I can do to avoid navigating right-click menus for common editor operations!

Message 85 of 120

@Darren wrote:

@X. wrote:

The solution is in fact to select the two constants AND the Select node. Then CSCR does the proper job:


In LabVIEW 2012 and later (sorry parthabe), Ctrl-Space-Ctrl-R will remove *every* selected wireable object, even constants and control terminals, then it will try to figure out how to wire up what's left. I added this functionality because of discussions way up in this thread.

I'm sorry too Darren, due to the fact that I read this thread from the beginning but missed out somehow (while replying) that the version under discussion was LV 2012.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
0 Kudos
Message 86 of 120

@Darren wrote:


...since upgrading to LabVIEW 2014...

BTW (a question aside), just curious to know... Being an NI man, how many contiguous LV versions have you installed in your work laptop? And, how is their performance? Smiley Happy

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
0 Kudos
Message 87 of 120

@parthabe wrote:

 Being an NI man, how many contiguous LV versions have you installed in your work laptop? And, how is their performance?

I *love* my dev machine, it's been rock solid since I got it about 2-3 years ago (knock on wood). It's a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit desktop (not a laptop) with 6 monitors (3 dual video cards), and the following specs:


Xeon E5-1620 (3.6 GHz)


256 GB SSD Primary

320 GB HDD Secondary


I have LabVIEW 8.6 through 2014 installed (all 32-bit). I have a few 64-bit versions installed, but I rarely use them. I also rarely use any LabVIEW version prior to 2013 these days. The LV editor performance is crazy fast, even with the entire platform DVD installed from 2012 on. I'm pretty sure it's mostly because of the SSD. 😉

0 Kudos
Message 88 of 120

@Darren wrote:

It's a Windows 7 Pro 64-bit desktop (not a laptop) with 6 monitors (3 dual video cards).

Would you mind (if allowed officially) posting a snapshot of your monitors with LV in all of them.


The last time I saw multi monitors in action was during my previous job when my client dev engineer (Wonderware Widescreen feature architect) sent me a snapshot of his struggle Smiley Wink (work area with 4 monitors Smiley Happy) to accomodate the graphical visuals for the Widescreen feature we were developing & testing 2 yrs back.

- Partha ( CLD until Oct 2027 🙂 )
0 Kudos
Message 89 of 120

@parthabe wrote:
Would you mind (if allowed officially) posting a snapshot of your monitors with LV in all of them.

Here's a thread where we talked about all of this:


As you read on in the thread, you can see that Hooovahh thinks my setup is "silly", but it works really, really well for me. 🙂

0 Kudos
Message 90 of 120