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run and abort button in labview are active at the same time



Something really wiered.. When I run a program (a specific one) the vi starts running BUT not completely! The buttons on the forntpanel do not work and the RUN and ABORT button of labview are both active (not grayedout). See image. The timeout of the eventhandler is working fine (as I can conclude form the frontpanel)


To get it running I have to do the following:

- click the run button again (now the first part of the program is NOT excecuted but the remainder is. vi is not working properly)

- quit execution

- and run again. now it works fine....


Once I modified the program a bit (moved something on the block diagram) the problem repeats it self.

If I do not modify the vi run and abort work as they are expected to behave.

I do use shared variables.


Since I do not get any error messages, I have no idea were to start looking. Anyone?



Thank a lot!




Screen 2015-09-27 13.10.15.png

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Message 1 of 11

@J_Snow wrote:



Since I do not get any error messages, I have no idea were to start looking. Anyone?


... and since you provided no code for us to run (which would, among other things, answer such important questions as "Which Version of LabVIEW is this?" and "Are you using specific Toolkits, Devices, etc.?", we also "have no idea where to start looking."


Please provide as much code that you think will duplicate this issue as possible (everything would be great!).  If it is more than a single VI, put all the code in a Folder, compress the Folder, and attach the resulting .ZIP file.  I can assure you a number of us will try to help ...


Bob Schor 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Hello J_Snow,


Could you send the VI. It will be easier to help you this way.



Sabri JATLAOUI - Certified LabVIEW Architect - Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 3 of 11

Do you have an exit button?  Maybe somehow the default values is TRUE (pressed) so it immediately exits, but since the value was read it is now reset to FALSE, so the second time you run it, it runs normally.


Oops didn't read the part about moving stuff on the block diagram.


Not sure what it could be then.

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 4 of 11

@J_Snow wrote:


Something really wiered.. When I run a program (a specific one) the vi starts running BUT not completely! The buttons on the forntpanel do not work and the RUN and ABORT button of labview are both active (not grayedout). See image.


This can happen if you use non-typical priority settings. For example if you set the priority to timecritical, front panel re-draws are delayed to favor computational tasks.


We probably need to see some code. Is everything masscompiled?


Most likely this is a cosmetic, not a functional issue.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi All,


Thanks for the quick replies! Here is the code. 

When I open de project and run the vi ( everything is fine. Open the block diagram and it is still fine. But once a alter something on the block diagram the error described happens.


The code seems fine (as the Knight of NI suggests) so what is it???


I hope you can help!





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Why is the front pane so gigantic? (9308x6554 pixels!)

Why is the tab control so gigantic?


I would resize them to something more reasonable and try again (sorry I cannot run it because I am missing some of your toolkits).

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

oeps, that is big indeed. It is supposed to be kind of small.

which toolbox are you missing? I can get it out.





0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

I don't have vision installed.


there are other things wrong with this, for example I cannot get any menu when I right-click any terminal on the diagram.


I really think that the oversized front panel is the problem and somehow interferes with the redraw operations of the toolbar and other edit funtions. You seem to move the origin around in the init case, and maybe this changes things.


After trying to right-click a few more terminals, LabVIEW 2015 actually crashed for me, so something is definitely wrong here.


part of the error report (9da0d43d-0ed5-42aa-99ce-5c19fc608566):

9/28/2015 8:03:11.572 AM
DAbort 0x26550A7E: domouse/dokey nested too deep
e:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\2015\dev\source\editor\transact.cpp(283) : DAbort 0x26550A7E: domouse/dokey nested too deep
minidump id: b716cebe-7cb7-4d27-a627-dce6169c7076
$Id: //labview/branches/2015/dev/source/editor/transact.cpp#26 $

NI would probably need to look into this.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Yes I agree. The panel keeps getting bigger everytime I run the vi. I have no idea why.


What I try to do with the origin is fix the panel at a knwon position so that I can scale it depending on display size. The visible area is quite small so I want to be able to 'look' around through the vi front panel while building and still be able to get the right view of the frontpanel when I run the vi.

Does this make sense?


I striped the vi of almost everything. So panel stay the same. But still the same problems when running.


So now I have two questions (1. Why does the vi behave so wierd and 2. who can I make a better scalable frontpanel)





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Message 10 of 11