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superimposed two files

hello everybody,

I want to make a bill preparing program by labview.I made a macro excel file(including headings,formulae etc).I want to take inputs from another file and put into this file and take printout.As labview cannot handle excel file I made a .txt file by labview with all input data with proper formatting that should match with the excel file. Actually the excel file has some blanks and input data can fillup these blanks.I could make the .txt file such that this .txt file and excel file match together and make the bill complete.How do I made this superimposing by labview and make the bill complete?

please help me and give some suggestions.

thank you in advance.....

                              -Sudipta Sengupta.

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Message 1 of 11

@ssengupta wrote:
......As labview cannot handle excel file I made a .txt file by labview with all input data with proper formatting that should match with the excel file....

 You have wrong information about LabVIEW and I am surprised who gave you this impression. LabVIEW has a very good Report generation toolkit which I think will be sufficient for your application. If you already have done the format in Excel and if you just want to add content to it on specific cells, you can do that like a piece of cake. All you need to do is understand what the Report Generation Toolkit does then start using it.

If you are not convinced with the options available in LabVIEW RG toolkit then you can also make use of the ActiveX properties and methods available in LabVIEW to access MS Excel files.

Feel free to explore the Excel Board for more information.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
Message 2 of 11

thanks for your quick reply.....How do I get this report generation toolkit?please help me........

                         -Sudipta sengupta.

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Message 3 of 11

You can download/purchase the Report Generation Toolkit. If you want to try it, you can use the evaluation version.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 4 of 11

please give me a link from where I can download the evaluation version of report generation toolkit that is compatable with LABVIEW 2011 not for LABVIEW 2014........

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Message 5 of 11

How did you install the LabVIEW 2011 version? This RG toolkit comes in the LabVIEW developer suite, explore it. I am unable to get the RG toolkit for 2011.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 6 of 11

I have downloaded it from this link

but I can't install it............

please help me..........

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Message 7 of 11

I have the report generation toolkit for microsoft office......

I have an excel file with some cells blank. I want to add data in these cells and save this excel file with a different name.How can I do these by repoer generation toolkit for microsoft office.I am using Labview 2011.

Please give suggestions.

Thank you in advance....................


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Message 8 of 11

If you have already done something then show us your code & ask where you’re getting problem.

Else you can do it like this,

Read your old file. Define where you want to inset Data (Cell number) & save your excel file with new name (depends on you).

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Message 9 of 11

You can save the already created excel sheet as a template and then fill in values using the MS Office Report express VI in LabVIEW.


You can define a named range in Excel template to insert text, numbers, tables, or pictures into a template. Excel template filenames include the .xlt or .xltx extension. To define a named range in an Excel template, open the report template you want to use, point to the cell or a range of cell, right-click and select Name a range. Enter a descriptive name. This name will appear in the express VI configuration window when you use it in LabVIEW. Add names for all the cells where you want to insert data. For each named range, you can specify whether you want the Express VI to format data as text or, if the data is an array, as a table or graph. You also can use the Report Generation VIs to insert text, tables, and graphs into named range locations. Specify the named range where the VI inserts data in the MS Office parameters input.


In LabVIEW, put MS Office Report Express VI on the block diagram (Functions Pallete -> Programming -> Report Generation). Select Custom Report for Excel in template field and specify path to your template. This should populate the "Named Range in Selected Template" Field with all the cells or ranges that you named in the template. In the report destination select "Save to File". Click configure "Save to File" options and make appropriate settings there.

Express VI Config.PNG

Press OK when done. On the block diagram you should see all the named ranges as inputs to the express VI. This is where you give approprialte data from LabVIEW to your report, and this gets saved to the file name you specify.

excel report.png

I am attaching the template and the generated report that I used. Hope this helps.

Chinmay Anand Misra
Technical Marketing Engineer
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Message 10 of 11