03-30-2012 06:31 AM
I have an application wich command a 3D helicopter.
I want to developp a statechart application which test engine, then test encoder and finnaly lauch the VI which command the helicopter.
How can i call a VI with a state of the statechart?
03-30-2012 07:06 AM
I have another question, does a statechart can be used in RT applications ?
03-30-2012 07:32 AM
Hello Vincent,
I suggest you to repost this question to the LabVIEW forum: you ended up posting to the LabWindows/CVI one
03-30-2012 07:46 AM
Thank you I moved it to here http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Call-VI-with-statechart/td-p/1933915