12-07-2007 01:30 PM
I'm glad this fixed your problem. However, after I posted that version of toolbox.c, we made another incremental change, in order to tighten up the multithread protection. The previous version could still incur a crash, in some less common situations. I'm attaching the latest version here. You might ad want to use this one instead, just in case.
If you see any crash at all using this latest version of toolbox.c, please do post an update here, since we do not expect any errors at this time.
And yes, we do plan on rolling this change into the next major CVI release.
Thanks for your help!
12-10-2007 01:17 PM
12-11-2007 12:50 PM
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12-12-2007 11:24 AM
01-10-2008 04:25 PM
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01-11-2008 04:38 PM