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New Bug in CVI2013SP1?

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In CVI2013 there was a bug () when changing the uir file: the change did not show up, one needed to rebuild the project, this seems to have been fixed, but now there is something else... 


I have a project with several source files and one UIR file. All source files are compiled, so when pressing the green triangle button the project starts immediately, i.e. the only message shown in the Build Output window is Build succeeded.


Now I change one attribute in the UIR file (say the panel title).


Scenario A: After modifying my UIR I press the 'save disk' symbol to save the uir file, and only then press the green triangle button. The build action taken is Linking the project, and the program shows the correct UIR. So this is fine.


Scenario B: After modifying my UIR I press the green triangle button, CVI then prompts me that the UIR has been modified and needs to be saved. Pressing the OK button then is very time consuming because in this case CVI recompiles all source files, links them, i.e. it seems to perform a complete rebuild... This I would consider a waste of my time and not as expected

Smiley Frustrated

Well, there is a workaround (scenario A), but I suggest to include a fix in SP2 Smiley Wink

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Message 1 of 20



on my CVI 2013 SP1 version, everythings works fine. I do not get warnings in this case. Please check your settings Build options.


Best regards, Fabian

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 20

Hello Fabian,


Thanks for your reply!


What do you mean with warnings? Are you referring to the prompt that the UIR has been modified? I am talking about the following popup:




What happens if you press OK?


Also, could you please be more specific which Build Options you are referring to?

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Message 3 of 20

Hi Wolfgang,


I modify the UIR (change the label), and I do not save the Files. Then I click on the run Button, the source code is compiled and the foiles are saved. There is no pop up dialog.


Under Options -> Build Options, Tab: "Build Process Options" under Build Process

Under Options -> Environment, activate auto backup und save always before build 


I used this download version for testing:



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20

Hi Fabian,


I did not find a relvant setting in the Build options..., that's what I have now:




Yes, you are correct that if you change the environment setting to always save the popup will not show up - but this is not my problem...


In your case you should see that CVI is recompiling all files, right? In my case it does.


It doesn't do so, however, if you save the changed UIR using the save file icon





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Message 5 of 20



your environment options should look like in the attached screenshot.


Do you also have this issue, if you create a new project? Create New Project in CVI 2013 SP1 and do changes in the UIR? Please make sure, that is not a problem with your project. I am wondering about the behaviour. 


If you have the issues after creating a new project, please post your example code here.


Best Regards, Fabian

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 20

Thanks, but...


- I don't see a reason to change my environment settings.


- I have used the demo project piedemo.cws.


Now, please try to reproduce the following steps:


1) Build and run the project using the green triangle button, the build output will show:




2) Change the panel title, press the save icon shown in my last post. Then build and run the project using the green triangle button, the build output will show the same output as above (if it was the first time that you have built this project, otherwise the screenshot shown below).


3) Change the panel title again, press the save icon shown in my last post. Then build and run the project using the green triangle button, the build output now will show:




From now on you can try the two scenarios I have described above and you will get different build behavior, i.e. a fast build without compilation and a slow build with compilation.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20

Hi Wolfgang,


today I tried it - but I do not have your behaviour. I have the same Build status - of course - but I do not have a popup message in scenario B. 


There seems to be a problem with your cvi installation or your settings. Please check it again



Best Regards, Fabian.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 20

Hello Fabian,


thanks for trying!


1) I do not care about the popup because this is due to our different Environment Options. I prefer to have the popup, you don't...


2) I care about the different build results in the two scenarios... You write that 'of course' you have the same build status as me - but why does have CVI to complie the whole project in one case but not in the other?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 20

Hello Fabian,


I'm a bit afraid that we talk at cross purposes... My question basically is why CVI has to (re)build the whole project in one case while it just starts running it in the other...?


Since the 'fast' version produces correct results I am wondering if the rebuild is really necessary...



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Message 10 of 20