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How do I modify an linescan ICD file so that the IMAQ board outputs n (line) triggers for each trigger it receives?

I'm trying to modify an ICD file so that the IMAQ board will wait for a start trigger, and when a start trigger occurs, send a limited number of pulses the camera in order to create an image with this number of lines.  After this occurs, the IMAQ board should wait for the next trigger.  Is it possible to modify the ICD file in order to achieve this type of pattern generation (PG)?  If so, how?
Bruce Moyer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4


You can use our camera file generator to edit your ICD files, although please be aware that is not a supported piece of software. You can create a custom pattern to be generated on one of the 4 CC lines, and then configure your board to be in a mode to trigger each buffer. Whenever your board receives a trigger, N number of triggers are then sent to the camera each triggering an acquisition of a line. Setting the "RepeatSource" attribute in the ICD file will determine the number of pulses that get sent.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
Thanks for your help, I'll give this a try (hopefully next week).  I guess I would have to get a trigger cable in order to hook up to the trigger lines of the 1428 card (or maybe there are test points I could use directly on the board)?  I've used the Camera File Generator off and on but it's proven difficult to get used to and a little quirky in the way it works (I guess that's why it's unsupported).
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi Bruce,

I did in the past something similar. But I used High speed counter board from NI to do that. They are much easier to program. 

I received the external trigger as an input to the high speed counter input. Then program the number of pulses I need on the high speed counter output. The high speed counter output goes to the Frame Grabber trigger input. 

You are going to find that this setup is easy programing in compare to what you are trying to do. 

You will have better programmatic control with external board that has high speed counter. 

But it is more expensive / additional hardware.

Amit Shachaf
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4