02-27-2024 12:45 PM
I would like to increase camera fps by controlling the binning function and increasing the camera pixel clock, please see images below:
Camera Model IDS UI359x
Controlling these attributes will let me increase the camera FPS. Unfortunately I didn't find a way to control it through LabView or NI-MAX.
If someone found a way to how deal with it, I kindly ask for your assistance.
02-27-2024 01:03 PM
Contact IDS, they should have a convoluted way to control the camera through LabVIEW.
I don't think NI-Max will ever see the camera.
Happened to me 10 years ago. Now I make sure that any camera I buy is Complient with the A3 Standards, as LabView relies on those standards.
Good Luck.
02-27-2024 10:00 PM
I've used a ueye camera with LabVIEW in the past, to control various parameters. But we didn't use the IMAQdx interface. There was a LabVIEW driver available that we used.
Search for a LabVIEW driver for your camera, or contact ueye for driver support.