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IMAQ WindDraw is missing in the function palette, but it's active on a VI

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Hi all,


I apologize in advance if I am repeating a previous topic, but I was not able to find anything close to my question. Also, I am quite new to the photo and video capture with LabView.


I am trying to grab photos and record video with a 3rd party functions from a camera manufacturer. I've been able to acquire an example VI, which I adjusted to fit my needs. However, there are some particular subVIs in it, like WindDraw and Dispose (think both are from the IMAQ sub-palette), which are there, but I can't find anywhere in the palettes. Now, I need to implement the AVI VIs for the video, but since I can't see the palettes (and they are not on the diagram) I've hit the wall with the video acquisition. I can't afford the IMAQdx. Photo capture with the 3rd party VIs works perfectly.


Can you guide me a bit here.

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by pr07ec70r

did you means this palette?!

Message 2 of 4

Yes, it appears that I can use the functions from the IMAQ (by copying them from other VIs) but actually can't create them by myself. I thought, that the regular IMAQ functions are accessible without the need of the Vision and Acquisition Software. Anyway, I managed to achieve the necessary result by using the ActiveX Invoke and Property nodes, with a 3rd party Control. Thanks for replying anyway! 🙂

Message 3 of 4

Trying to interface to VI toolkit from FLIR; there are several VI's that cant be found. Using LV 7.1 - client supplied. 


Sub VI's can not be located so their sample CameraControl LabVIEWGUI_Advanced(Digital).vi breaks


IMAQ WindDraw

IRImage Acquire

IMAQ WindClose

IMAQ GetPallette

IMAQ WindDisplayMapping


sub VI's cant be found. 


Thank you in advance. 




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Message 4 of 4