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IMAQdx Serial Write Error -1074360312 (`Not implemented')

Hello Everybody!


Trying to send cmd's to a camera but IMAQdx Serial Write returns Error -1074360312, Error Message: `Not implemented'.


Some background:

An IMAQdx Session can be successfully opened to the Camera I'm using as well as being to read the Camera Attributes and Grabbing Images.

Among the Attributes there are at least 3 setting Communication Parameters to the Camera:


CameraAttributes::PortCommunication::BulkSelector = "Bulk0"
CameraAttributes::PortCommunication::BulkMode = "UART"
CameraAttributes::PortCommunication::BulkBaudRate = "Baud9600"


In Pleora's eBUS Player, when these are set to "Bulk2", "UART" and "Baud19200" I'm able to send cmd's to the Camera.

But when I try to set up something similar in LabVIEW, IMAQdx Serial Write gives the Error mentioned above.


Does anyone know why this Error appears, or have suggestions to set up the communication?


Thanks in Advance!

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