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Low FPS after applying perspective calibration to acquire a corrected image in LabVIEW

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I am working on a LifeCAM studio for tracking purposes in an indoor enviroment,

- I am facing problems in the calibration step

- Camera resolution is 1280p @30 fps

- I am trying to work on the corrected image after the perspective calibration applied

- I am getting sluggish image results when working on the corrected image

- I am NOT GETTING sluggish image results when working on the UNCORRECTED image




as you can see above:

- non calibrated image (uncorrected image)

- calibrated image (corrected image)

- tracking (thresholding)


As a trial to solve this sluggish video problem, I was thinking of throwing the calibration block from the loop to the initialization. Then, I found an option to do that in VBAI (learn calibration at each iteration). So I did some benchmarks (corrected image applied) and here are the results:


Calibration Comparaison.png

seems that there is no big difference, but when I do the benchmark (corrected image is not applied) I am getting high FPS ~25 fps


Here are the VI:

Code Elaboration (1).png

And here is the VI when I am trying to get the calibration blocks out of the loop


Debugging (1).png



1- Why am I getting low FPS sluggish image results when working on the corrected image (LabVIEW or VBAI) and how can I solve it ?

2- How can I solve the probe execution problem ?


H/W specs:

- CORE 2 DUO 3.00GHz




Thank you in advance,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11
just put read image part out of loop and then use other part of calibration inside the loop
also it is better to use other imaq with different name for this read file vi
Message 2 of 11

Untitled.pngThank you for your help, but unfortunately, the result of the image acquisition is still SLUGGISH,

any other suggestions to solve this low FPS ?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
send your vi I try to fix it for you
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
Accepted by Joeynn

I assume your image correction is in the same loop as your image acquisition.  Correction is a very slow process, so it takes a while before it can loop and grab the next image.  Normally you don't apply correction to a live image.  It is usually applied to a single image before you do your analysis.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
Message 5 of 11

Thank you for your interest 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

I have tested your new VI but unfortunately the images acquisition are still SLUGGISH, tried to configure different values in elapsed time (secs) but still have the same results.

Any other solution ?

Thank you for your help,

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

You have been saying you are getting sluggish acquisition. Do you know what the FPS is that you are actually seeing when you are correcting the image? 


Also, why are you needing to correct the image? A lot of our processing functions process and get measurements based off of the corrected version of the image, but just display the uncorrected version. Therefore, if you dont need to display the corrected image that might be an option to try and increase the FPS for your acquisition.



A Johnson
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Message 9 of 11

-Try separating the acquistion and processing and making them parallel.

-Look into Producer Consumer architecture to achieve above.

Message 10 of 11