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Need to replace a pci-1405 frame grabber with a more modern solution

We implemented a application 4 years ago that uses 55 analog NTSC cameras connected to a 64:1 video Mux: The mux output channel is routed to a pci-1405 framgraber. The 1405 has stopped acquiring images and needs to be replaced.


Since NI has obsoleted all analog frame grabbers and no longer supports them we would like to move to a digital solution.

We are willing to update the software and computer hardware but are unable to change the cameras and Mux at this time.


I am looking for a converter that will take the NTSC signal from the Mux and convert it to a digital imaging signal compatable with Imaq or Imaqdx.


Does anyone have any recomendations on a good converter or any other advice.





Champion CLA

Making senseless computers do
intelligent real world things
is NOT easy. SO MAKE IT FUN!
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Message 1 of 3

Hi Mark,


Pleora sells an analog-to-GigE Vision converter box that works well with IMAQdx:


The only limitation I am aware of is that while this hardware can acquire from two channels simultaneously, IMAQdx only can acquire from one input at a time.



Message 2 of 3

Does anyone know if this is still a limitation with LV 2024 and the newer IMAQdx driver in VAS?


Are you able to switch/select which video channel to use?  I read somewhere else that MAX only sees 1 and would thus need 2 of these expensive converters (might as well switch to better/newer cameras at that point).



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Message 3 of 3