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Problem with horizontal scrolling during "grab" in MAX using Pulnix TM-4100CL and PCI-1428

I am having a few problems with acquiring images.  My setup is a Pulnix TM-4100CL camera, a PCI-1428 framegrabber, and Windows XP.

When I use the "grab" function in MAX, the image slowly scrolls horizontally from right to left.  Do you have any idea what could be causing this problem?


Also, I figured that I would try to upgrade to the latest IMAQ driver 3.7 to see if it would fix the problem.  However, after I installed the new version and restarted my PC, the hardware wizard will begin to install the PCI-1428 and then system restarts.  This happens over and over again.  Any idea on what would cause this problem?



Dan Vander Valk

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 21

Hey Dan,

The fact that IMAQ 3.7 is crashing on you sounds like your installation has gotten corrupted somehow.  I would suggest a complete uninstall and reinstall of Vision Acquisition 8.2.1.

As far as the camera goes we may need some more information.  You said this occured with "grab" in MAX but does it also shift right to left using a sequence of "snaps" in MAX?  They are slightly different executions. 

I would also suggest using the camera in "free run" mode with the test pattern enabled and reducing the size of the acquisition window.  Please let us know the results as it will help narrow down our search.

Can you tell us the way you're configuring and using the Pulnix camera?  What modes have you set and what are you trying to accomplish.  If you have other camera link cameras or NI frame grabbers have any other combinations worked?  Please give these suggestions a try and let me know how it goes.


Ryan F.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 21

Hey Dan,

There's one other thing that will help us debug this issue more fully.  Can you send me the minidump file from the reboots you've been experiencing?  You'll find these dated files in C:\Windows\Minidump. 

If you are lacking this folder and files then please pull up the properties from My Computer.  Goto the advanced tab and select the Settings for Startup and Recovery.  Under "System failure" you should see "Write an event to the system log" checked and you'll need to select "Small memory dump (64 KB)" in the "Write debugging information" section.  Any subsequent system crash will generate a file in the listed folder.  Please post the pertinent minidump files into your response.


Ryan F.

Message Edited by RyanF on 10-02-2006 02:45 PM

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

I was able to do a fresh install of Labview and the Vision Acquisition 8.2.1 and the 1428 card installed properly, so that problem is solved.

When I snap in MAX every few seconds, the images look like they are supposed to.  It is only when I grab in MAX or use any of the Sequence or Ring VI's that come with the IMAQ driver that I experience the scrolling from right to left. 

I set the camera in free run with the test pattern and reduced the acquisition window.  The image still scrolls from right to left and faster than when I am acquiring a regular image.  Also the transition between taps is very choppy and a slight diagonal slope to it as opposed to vertical.

I would like to use the camera in asynchronous mode in any shutter setting and capture each buffer in a sequence acquisition through the use of an external trigger.  I have tested the manual, asynchronous, and direct shutter modes and observed the same behavior.  As far as scan modes I have tested the camera in modes A (2048x2048), B (2048x1000), C (2048x500), and D (2048x250) and seen the same results although the scrolling is faster in mode A than in mode D.

Unfortunately, I do not have any other cameras or frame grabbers on hand so I have not tested other combinations.  If anyone has a solid feeling on which piece of equipment could most likely be causing this type of problem I can work towards obtaining a replacement to try. 


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 21
Hey Dan,
It sounds like something is up with the timing signals coming from the camera.  I'd like you to try modifying a key inside the camera file located at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Data\.  Just open up the Pulnix TM-4100CL camera file in notepad and look for the 1428 InterfaceInfo section.  Find the DataFPGAControl (0) key and you'll need to try two different values.  The value DataFPGAControl (12) will tell our board to ignore the data valid signal coming from the pulnix camera.  The value DataFPGAControl (32) will tell the board to expect an inverted data valid signal. 
As before please try different acquisition window combinations while testing the DataFPGAControl key.  Beyond just changing the width and height also try a left or top offset.  Let me know the results of the testing.
Ryan F.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

I have tried grabbing with both of the modifications that you have suggested with different acquistion window sizes and offsets.  The behavior is still the same with both of the changes.  Are there any other modifications that can be made within the camera file that could help to troubleshoot this problem?


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

Hey Dan,

One possibility may be the MaxImageSize key in the camera file.  It may need to be increased for this camera.  Can you send your camera file and post a screenshot of the image split you're seeing?


Ryan F.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21

Attached are the camera file for the Pulnix TM-4100CL that I am using and a screenshot of MAX during a grab exhibiting the horizontal scrolling.


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21
Hey Dan,
Can you run the Sequence and Save to AVI VI that ships with IMAQ?  Set the number of images to 5 so we can reduce the number of variables in this issue.  Please post the resulting AVI here.
Ryan F.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21

I've attached the AVI produced by the Sequence and Save to AVI.  There are 5 frames taken at 10fps in scan mode B (2048x1000).  I did not see any scrolling in the AVI, however when I normally run a sequence of 50 images for example, there is  usually only 1 shift in pixels per sequence.


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Message 10 of 21