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error when connecting to Allied vission Manta

I am trying to cennect to an Manta camera from Allied Vission using National Instruments software.


The camera works perfectly fine with the VIMBA software provided by the camera manufacturer. I also got it working with MatLab.



The camera name is properly shown in both LabView and NI MAX; in NI MAX, it apears with an "x". When I try to use the camera with IMAQdx, it gives me error messges. 


In Labview gives me the error: "NI-IMAQdx: (Hex 0xBFF69001) Internal error"


In MAX gives me the error: "error 0xbfff800b The session for your device could not be configured"



I already look in the forum and NI support page for possible solutions. I updated the camera firmware and followed the driver configurations as suggested by NI and Allied Vission instrucctions. I also run the CameraValidator.exe, but I do not find the report file.


I must be missing something.


I will really apreciate some help with this,





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 33

Hey Aaron,


Thanks for messaging in. Have you installed the Allied Vision Technology driver? Have a look at this KB which tells us why IMAQdx won't work with AVT. If you have this installed, please follow the KB and see if this fixes your issus.


Why Won't My Allied Vision Technology Camera Work With National Instruments Software?





If this isn't the issue, please let me know and I can look into this further for you.


Please let me know any software you've installed for the camera, as well as what versions of IMAQdx, NI MAX and LabVIEW you are using. Could you also please attach a print screen of MAX and LabVIEW, to show how the camera is showing up in that. Finally please let me know the exact model of your camera that you are using.


Look forward to hearing back from you!



Amy K
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 33

Dear Amy.


Thanks for your reply.


I am not using a FireWire camera as in the KB that you shared. My camera is a GigE camera. However, I uninstalled all Allied vision software to see if the problem was solved. Unfortunatley, nothing changed. MAX and LabView still recognised the camra, but failed to configure it.


I also ran the CameraValidator.exe, but I got an error message (see attached file).


The verssions of my software are:


MAX 15.3.0f0

LabView 15.0f2 (64-bit)

IMAQdx The one included in the "Vision Adquisition Software, Version February 2016

VIMBA (Allied Vision software) Version 1.2.1

VIMBA API Version 1.4.1


Camera: Allied Vision Manta Camera G-609B


In case is usefull, I also share the GigE PCIe card that I am using: The Adlink GIE64+ PCIe card. I tried using both the Intel driver provided by Adlink (Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network connection) and a National instruments driver that is installed in my computer (National Instruments GigE Vision Adapter). The manufacturer software VIMBA, works fine with either driver, but NI software (LabView, MAX, CameraValidator.exe) just refuse to work with the camera.


I hope we can find a solution.


Thanks in advance,



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 33

Hey Aaron,


After uninstalling the Allied Vision Software, did you uninstall and reinstall the IMAQdx drivers?


I found a help page, which you may have already seen, see below, and have picked out one troubleshooting step that may be relevent for yourself.


Check that the camera is not already in use - by another program (you can't have it in use in VIMBA software/MATLAB while you are trying to access in MAX/LabVIEW) - or by someone else on the network. If it is, you must close that connection.


National Instruments Gige Vision Driver


I also found a forum which suggested that you need version 1.3 of the VIMBA software. We would always recommend you use the most recent versions of softwares, it would appear that the most recent VIMBA software is v 1.4; see link below.




Sorry that I don't have a direct answer for you, it is difficult for us at NI when third party hardware and software comes into it, which we don't have available to replicate. Hopefully somebody from the community may have experience with Allied Vision cameras and may have some tips!


Have a nice evening,

Amy K
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK & Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 33

Hi Aaron, 


here is Bernardo from Allied Vision in Germany. The Vimba SDK uses its own drivers and transport layer in order to control and acquire images from the camera. It would be great to know the exact configuration of the camera, and your system settings, specially the NIC configuration. In order to make everything correct, I would like you to use our support-system:



Best regards, 


Bernardo Luck // Applications Engineer

Allied Vision Technologies GmbH

Bernardo Luck // Applications Engineer
Allied Vision Technologies GmbH
Klaus-Groth-Str. 1, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 33

An update on this problem:


Bernardo, from Allied Vision, thoroughly checked the camera and NIC configurations. Everything is in order! Camera works fine using Allied Vision VIMBA software.


The Manta camera also worked OK using LabView 2014, with the vision adquisition tool of February 2015 in a different computer (a laptop, using the standard ethernet port).


I also connected another GigE camera (a FLIR thermal camera) to the Adlink GigE Vision 64+ PCIe card that I am using. MAX properly recognized the camera and showed the camera atributes.


So, it looks that the problem comes up only in the combination NI software-Adlink 64+ framegrabber-Manta camera. The frame graber and the camera are GigE compliant; so it should work. I hope...


NI support is busy having a look to the problem. Hope we find a solution soon.





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 33

Reading your initial description felt like I had written it myslef. I have exactly the same problem.

The camera works fine everywhere except with NI software.

The odd thing is that two other AVT cameras work completely fine inside NI MAX (Manta and Mako G-125B) while this one (Manta G-235B) gives the same error message listed above. 

I have updated firmware tried a wide variety of drivers on the network card, nothing works. 

The following is a link to a thread with the same problem:


The problem seems to arrise with multiple manufacturers, suggesting a problem with the NI software.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 33

Hi Dan,


I'm just wondering what version of IMAQdx you are using? Is it the same as Aaron's (15.5)?


Kind regards,



Tom T
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 33

Hi Tom,


I am using the August 2015 release (15.0)





0 Kudos
Message 9 of 33

Hi there,


As suggested by Tom from NI and Bernardo from Allied Vision, I just uninstalled the IMAQdx February 2016 release and intalled the February 2015 one.


It solved the problem!!!


YES! Now the Manta camera works in MAX.


HOWEVER! It created another one. I do not see the IMAQdx VI's in LabView. It seems that the February 2015 release (version 14.5) does not come with 2015 LabView suport...


I could uninstall all the latest NI software that I have in my machine and work with the previous verssion. As this takes quite some time, I was wondering if there is another soluction.


Perhaps fixing the problem with the IMAQdx latest version could take some time, right?


 What do you think, any other suggestion?

Message 10 of 33