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error when connecting to Allied vission Manta

Hi all,


One possible way to resolve this issue of the camera not working in with VAS 15 after upgrading from an older version is if you delete the Data folder in C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQdx\Data directory. This is where some configuration data is stored if you changed settings in an older version.


I hope this helps!



Scott B.
Message 11 of 33

Hi everybody,


i'm using a AVT GX6600 and i just got that "Error 0XBFFF800B" for the first time on a new PC fiiled with the latest software (VAS february 2016). Have tried many tweaks without succes... I'm surprised to find so many post on that problem and no definitive answer from NI : is the issue solved or at least understood ? Is there an official work-around ?


Hoping some clues,


All the best,

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 33



I know that the solution si no the best, but I solvede this by using the February 2015 IMAQdx.


NI told me that a proper solution might take some time.


All the best

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 33



i just tried with Imaq-dx 15.0 and 14.5, but i then got a new error "DLL not found" when accessing the camera in MAX. I guess that the old versions of Imaq-dx doesn't work well with NI-Max 15.3 ? If it's the case i would have to switch all softwares (DAQmx, LV runtimes, etc) to the old version too...too bad ! Hope a newer Imaq-dx will be release soon.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 33



I also got that new error message (DDL not found) when using MAX. However, IMAQdx worked just fine in LabView.


Unfortunatley, I also had to change all the software to the previous version.


All the best,



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 33

I'm having the same issue with a GT6600. National Instruments, if you think the acceptable answer is for users to roll back to software that is over a year older than the current rev, I think that's unacceptable. Are you guys doing anything on this? 

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 33

@usrfrnly wrote:

I'm having the same issue with a GT6600. National Instruments, if you think the acceptable answer is for users to roll back to software that is over a year older than the current rev, I think that's unacceptable. Are you guys doing anything on this? 


What specific issue are you seeing? Assuming it is the issue with the AVT camera's XML file being broken with the February 2016 version of Vision Acquisition (either an Internal error or "session could not be configured" error), then the following applies.


Unfortunately the issue lies in the third-party, GenApi component that IMAQdx relies on to process the XML file. This bug was regretably discovered after that version had been released and incorportated into multiple vendors' software packages, including NI's. The bug has since been patched and vendors have been releasing software updates that include this fix. NI's next upcoming release will include this fix as well (sorry, I don't have an exact release date, but if you are familiar with NI's typical software release schedule, it should be soon).


In the meantime, there are a few different options available. One is that I believe AVT has a firmware update (maybe a downgrade?) on their end that makes the XML file not trigger this bug. Another option is to patch the XML file in IMAQdx's cache location manually to prevent it from triggering this issue. The last option is to downgrade to a verison of IMAQdx one older than the version from Feb 2016. The August 2015 one ( should be fine, so you don't need to go back a full year. You can see the release notes here to see what features you are losing:


Hope this helps, and let me know if I can provide more details on any of the above options, depending on which one sounds best. 


Message 17 of 33

@BlueCheese wrote:
 The bug has since been patched and vendors have been releasing software updates that include this fix. NI's next upcoming release will include this fix as well (sorry, I don't have an exact release date, but if you are familiar with NI's typical software release schedule, it should be soon).

My apologies for the incorrect info, but apparently this updated version was _not_ yet included in the upcoming Vision Acquisition version... Apparently the timing was too tight to get it included 😞

Message 18 of 33



As suggested in previsou posts, I tried to downgrade my current LV packages. I tried previous suggestions such as unistalling Vision and installing VAS Feb 2015 - but this did not fix the problem.


I unistalled labview 2015 (64bit) and installed LV2014 (32bit). Before installing LV2015, the camera worked without a problem. As it failed to work, I unistalled LV2015 and installed LV2014.


 The Allied Vision Manta camera prior to the 2015 64bit upgrade worked fine. Now after unistalling all LV driveres and installing LV2014: the camera does not work. Error: dll not found. When I run the Vimba software (version 2.0) the camera works fine. If I open MAX while runing the vimba software, MAX recognises that the camera is being used. This is driving me crazy...


I currently have MAX14.5 and Imaqdx14.5. Does anyone have any suggestions?



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 33

@BlueCheese wrote:

@BlueCheese wrote:
 The bug has since been patched and vendors have been releasing software updates that include this fix. NI's next upcoming release will include this fix as well (sorry, I don't have an exact release date, but if you are familiar with NI's typical software release schedule, it should be soon).

My apologies for the incorrect info, but apparently this updated version was _not_ yet included in the upcoming Vision Acquisition version... Apparently the timing was too tight to get it included 😞

Thanks for clarification, Eric - although I would have preferred better news ;(

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 33