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image processing for edge detection of piece of fabric

Good day everyone.

I have a semester project related to edge detection of two pieces of fabrics. I need to detect the edges of following two images and respective manner.02.pngimage1(2).png01.pngimage2(2).jpg


I have tried a few steps as follow










So basically I have to find the x/y cordinates of the given edges of the fabrics. But after doing above mentioned procedures, I wasn't able to completely extract all the x/y cordinates for the edges. since even after processing the image the edges were not very clean for contour analysis. is there is something else I could do for pre-processing the image. I've read a book named "Image acquisition and image processing using Labview" by Christopher G. Relf. It provides a few tips on basic image processing methods. But I can't actually find anything specific that can help me solve this problem.

I would really appreciate if anyone can share any ideas or methods of achieving the above task. 


Thanks for your help. 

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Message 1 of 4

You can  remove the vertical lines of fabric in the area were you want to find the edge with gray level morphological functions.

You need horizontal line as kernal for the gray level morphology function.

After that step it will be easy to find the edges.

If you want example you need to post the images.



Amit Shachaf
Message 2 of 4
Thank you for your guidance. An example would really be helpful. I am attaching the images below.
Thank you again.
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Message 3 of 4
when you want to convert image to binary you have to use thresholding. in this time take look for histogram diagram and select piece of range for gray level that contain parts that you want and remove the part that you do not want
in this case you will be get better result
also use some morphology function like open function to make your edge smoother
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