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imaq rotate error



I'm making a simple VI that only acquire an image from a GigE camera and rotate the image 90°.  It work perfectly in developement mode, but once I compile it and execute in on another computer, the rotate give me an error. On my computer, it work fine. What am I doing wrong?  Is there a module that I'm not adding in my installer that would be necessary?  I'm using labview 2014 with the vision module.  


Labview runtime 2014 SP1 f3

NI Vision Run-Time Engine 2014 SP1

NI-IMAQdx 14.5


Thank in advance


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Message 1 of 5

Does the EXE works fine when running on the computer wuth which you compiled it?

If yes, my best guess is that on the other computer - the one on which you get and error from the rotate VI - you have not installed and activated the Vision Runtime Licence, to check that, open the NI Licence Manager, here's what mine looks like :




On your dev computer you certainly have everything fine under the Vision Development Module and on the other computer you need at least the Runtime to be installed and properly activated.


Side note, the boxes are yellow in my NI LM because we "rent" the licence. If you bought a licence they will be green instead of yellow.


Now to fix the problem you can either create an installer from your dev computer and include in it the Vision Runtime or simply download the VDM Runtime installer from NI website and install it.


Hope this helps

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 2 of 5

the other computer that you deployed with the exe need labview runtime, vdm runtime and VAS as well.

VAS will be activated along when vdm run-time is activated. Smiley Happy

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Message 3 of 5



You were right!  it was not registered.  Is there a way to register it by the in the installer?

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Message 4 of 5

not as far as i know, if you find a way to do this I'm interested!


What you can do thought is code a small exe that simply launches NI Licence Manager at the end of your installer.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 5 of 5