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spatial calibration with LabWindows / CVI and NI-Vision

Hallo Experts,

after digging in the forum for my problem - but didn't find a solution for me - I am finally posting my question. It appears that most posts are working with LabView.


So, here's the task.

 - Assuming an uncalibrated image, containing markers in it.

- The postition of the markers are well known in the real-worl-coordinate system

- The marker position in pixel-coordinates can be retreived via mousclicks.

- Now i want to transform the image from pixel to real world coordinates.

I am able to create a calibration strucure using:


CalibrationPoints* calibPoints;

TransformReport* Transform;


calibPoints->numCoordinates = nrOfMarkers;

calibPoints->pixelCoordinates = imagPixelPos;

calibPoints->realWorldCoordinates = realWorldPos;



Next thing I do after   "imaqLearnCalibrationPoints"  is

Transform = imaqTransformPixelToRealWorld(ImageIn,imagPixelPos,nrOfMarkers);


I had expected that ImageIn is now somehow dewarped according to the real-world-coordinates of the markers, but it appears it is not.

The transform report also contains just one valid point, while nrOfMarkers is 16.


What I am missing?

Please find attached some screenshots indicating the structure of:



Calibration Points


Any help is highly appreachiated.

Thank you,









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it seems I simply had to do:





- imaqCorrectCalibratedImage()


After this the input image is dewarped based on the marker positions.

Note: Still we are in pixel coordinates.


Question aside:

Where can I access the position of the markers after using

   imaqCorrectCalibratedImage()  ?


I would like to overlay over the dewarped image the marker location.

Please find attached a screenshot of the dewarped image.




Thank you.


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Message 2 of 3

One more hint:


Here is the goal:

In the attachment one can se a line found in the image and drawn in a diagram.


This line is obviously drawn in pixel coordinates, taken from the dewarped image

..see post #2


Actually the goal is to have this line in real world coordinates x/c and y/b, with

0<= x/c <= 100   in [%]

0<= y/b <= 100   in [%]


thank you


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