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Ultrasonic sensor measurement( MA40S4S and MA40S4R)

Hi all;


We try to setup a system to measure performance of  different ultrasonic receivers and transmitters . For signal generation we decide to use NI 9262 anolog output card. Also we decided to record ultrasonic transmitter outputs with NI9223 anolog input card. However our ultrasonic transmitters maximum input voltages are change between 20Vrms -50Vrms and capacitance values are change between 1500pf-3000pf at 40kHz roughly.  NI 9262 maximum output is 10V -10mA so we figure out that we need an amplifier. Are we on the right path?  Do you know any proper amplifer that we can use? 

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Message 1 of 2

Hi izafe,


This seems like a good approach. In regard to the NI device, there isn't much to discuss about it but the conditioning stage. Make sure you design an amplifying stage that complies with the device's specs.


About proper amplifiers, there isn't one in specific that you'd need to use. This is very basic electronics and there are plenty of configurations that you can use. Just, again, make sure it provides the correct voltage and current.




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