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Why am I getting error -70027 with SofMotion?

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I am trying to run a LabVIEW RealTime application that is using SoftMotion. I created an axis in the RT target of the project. Every time when I am using the axis with SoftMotion functions and run it on the RT- rarget (cRIO-9066) I am getting error -70027 (A function call made to the motion controller timed out waiting for access to a shared resource). When I connect the axis to the Clear Faults function this function produces -70027. I have no idea what this error is telling me.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi Steffan,


What sort of troubleshooting have you tried so far? I believe you'll need to run either the FPGA or RT code before opening the Interactive Test Panel, but I don't know if that's the cause of this error. It's been a while since I worked with SoftMotion in detail, so some of the details are a bit fuzzy, but I believe that this error indicates that either a resource that the test panel needs is in use by some other process or that it can't communicate with with a process which should be running. I think that the axis is still reserved by a move command and so throws this error, so you'll need to ensure that it can be put into configuration mode.


Perhaps you can walk me through the troubleshooting you've done and what your code looks like so that I can better understand what step may need to be added.


Best regards,


Jake A

Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK and Ireland
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Jake,


Thanks for your reply.


We have a test tool that is running on LV8.6 and SoftMotion 2.1. I am trying to convert this application to LV2015 and SoftMotion 15.5. We are running it on a new cRIO. The SoftMotion module is quite different from the earlier versions and my experience with this module is zero..

So I added a few axes to my RT-project but when I put them in my existing code and connect a property node to (one of) them I constantly get error -70027. For instance when I execute the Clear Faults express vi and even when an axis is in Simulation mode.

So then I created a new vi with only one axis and this Clear Faults vi with the same result. There is no FPGA involved. Is it possible that the axis for some reason is not transferred and/or available in the RT-target?


I did run the Interactive Test Panel and I believe there were no errors.




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Message 3 of 5

Hi Steffan,


I assume that when you say that there is no FPGA involved that you mean that you want to use the chassis in scan interface mode? It could be that the chassis is set to FPGA interface mode and that's why SoftMotion throws this error, could you check that for me under the chassis properties? It's also worth trying to deploy all of the chassis items to the target to see if that throws an error. It could simply be that, as you suggest, the axes haven't been deployed properly and need to be redeployed.


Best regards,

Jake A

Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK and Ireland
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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author Steffan.W

Hi Jake,


I managed to get rid of the error by right-clicking in the project on the RT-target and select Utilities | Restart. After that I am able to run my code without errors. I am not exactly sure wat causes this error but I guess I will run into it again Smiley WinkI will post it here as soon as I know but for now I think this one is solved.

Thanks again for your support!




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Message 5 of 5