Motion Control and Motor Drives

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change of velocity based on analog input measurement

Hi to everyone,

I'm designing a system to control the velocity of a dc brushed servo motor  based on analog input measurements.

I'm thinking to use a PCI 7356 card, I mean control the motor velocity and read the analog input, but I'm not sure that this operation can be done, If yes I would like to know how fast LabVIEW could do this task.

Another thing is: could I do this experiment using two cards?, the first one is a PCI 7356 to control the motor and the second one a PCI 6251 card to measure the analogic input, and using LabVIEW to generate the signal control to change the velocity of the motor, and again How fast LabVIEW could do this task?


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Hi Eduardo,

I am not an expert on motion but the PCI 7356 has the ability to control servo motors up-to 8 axes with a control loop implemented with a PID. There are also 8 Analog Input Channels that can be used for Feedback inputs.

So the answer is: probably there is a way to do so.

I am quite sure that you should be able to run the programs at rates around 1 kHz, but it is worth to check it. I suggest you to read the PCI 7356 Manual (at least chapters 4 and 5) and the NI Motion Manual (at least chapters 3 and 12) to be aware of the full potential of the platform and determine if it suitable or not for your application.

You can use an additional board, but synchronization between tasks will represent a challenge.  If you are thinking in purchasing the boards I recommend you to contact a Sales Representative in your Region.

You can find the manuals in the following URLs:

NI Motion:

NI PCI 7356

Hope you found it helpful.

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