12-22-2010 11:19 AM
I'm measuring Acceleration and analysis the frequency of the signal. I'm using the following in my test:
The accelerometer is externally powered by a 3V power supply, so it has a 0-3V output range. The sensitivity is 300mV/g.
When I used the attached project written in Signal Express to measure a 1 g signal, the measurement is around 5.5. I attached a screen shot of this measurement.
Where did the bias come from? What did I do wrong in configuring the test?
Thanks a lot!
12-27-2010 05:00 PM
Hey Bon,
I ran your code using my 9234 with 300mV wired to the input and it showed up correctly as a 1 g reading. This indicates a problem with your accelerometer/connection. If you have a DMM verify that your accelerometer is in fact generating reasonable voltage levels.
Good luck!
12-28-2010 03:46 PM
Hi Sean,
Thank you for helping!
the accelerometer(ADXL330) used in my application has a 0-3V output, 300mV/g sensitivity and a zero g bias level at 1.5V, so I have the calculations below:
accelerometer output: 1.5V---> 0g
accelerometer output: 1.8V--> 1g ( not 300mV)
accelerometer output: 3.0V---> 5g
I set the parameters in the DAQmx Acquire step according to the calculations above, as shown in the attached screenshot in my previous post.
When I measuring the 1g signal, the input voltage to NI9234 is 1.8V, so the accelerometer and connections should be OK. I believe something's wrong with my parameters but I don't where I did wrong.
Thanks again!
12-29-2010 11:27 AM
Hi Bon,
In this case you're going to have to use a custom scale. In MAX, right click on Scales » create new » NI-DAQmx Scale » Linear. For your scale, the pre-scaled units should be g and set your scaled units to be g. Your slope should be 1, and the y-intercept should be -5. This will shift your scale down by 1.5 V (5g).
In your acceleration task, select your scale under Custom Scaling.
This should sort you out.
Happy Holidays!
01-04-2011 10:59 AM
Hi Sean,
Thank you so much for the detailed information!
I modified my test using customized scale as you suggested(I totally agree with your calculation). Then I used this test to measure two known signals:
1) cDAQMod6_ai0: 1.8V
2) cDAQMod5_ai3: 1.5V
My accelerometer's output range is 0-3V, with 1.5V at 0g and 300mV sensitivity, so I expected to see a 1g signal on Mod6 channel 0 and a 0g signal on Mod5 channel 3.
The results shows a 450mg acceleration on Mod6 channel 0 and a -450mg signal on Mod5 channel 3. I attached a screenshot with this post, along with my modified SignalExpress project.
I have no clue what went wrong...my NI9234 cards are newly purchased last year. Shall I calibrate the cards? I did notice that in your last post, you have a "Calibration" option on your channel setup page which I don't have. I'm using SignalExpress2009 with Sound and Vibration Suite by the way.
Thank you again for your time!
P.S. So when configuring a channel, for the "Signal Input Range", I should enter the min and max value of my input signal in whatever unit stated in "Scaled Units" block, am I correct here?
01-04-2011 11:11 AM
01-05-2011 02:27 PM
Hello bon2b,
Can you create a Custom Voltage with Excitation task in MAX and verify whether your values are correct?
Best regards,
Ali M
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
01-06-2011 08:47 AM
01-07-2011 11:25 AM
So if I understand this correctly you applied 1.8 V to the 9234 and you verified that the 9234 is in fact reading 1.8 V in the Test Panel? If this is the case, then there's a problem with the way you're applying your scale. Using your SE project and my scale I applied 1.8 V and read 1 g, as expected. I attached my scale (just remove the .txt extension) so that you can import it into MAX (File -> Import).
Best of luck.