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Apply Custom Scale on top of DAQmx Scale Thermocouple Scale

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Consider a DAQmx thermocouple task. DAQmx is already applying a scale according to the thermocouple type selected in Create Virtual Channel. I would like to use an additional custom table scale on top of the DAQmx thermocouple scale. Is there any convenient way to add this to the task, or am I forced to apply the scale after DAQmx read spits out the thermocouple readings? I have tried using DAQmx Channel Property node, AI.ChanCal.Table and the DAQmx Create Scale.VI but it seems like there is a conflict with the existing thermocouple scale in the task.



Thanks so much for your advice,


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author EricEvola

Hi Eric,


I have been looking into your question and I don’t think there is a way to use a custom scale on top of the thermocouple DAQmx Task because the task is set up to scale the input based on the thermocouple information you give it. So I think you have two options:


  1. Scale the data after you read it in manually in LabVIEW
  2. Set up an analogue input task with your own custom scale

Hope this helps!

A Johnson
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Cool. That's what I kind of thought, but I wanted to pose it as a question because it would make the software I'm writing a bit simpler and cleaner if you could apply an user's table scale directly to a thermocouple task when it was first created. I really appreciate your time and reply.

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Message 3 of 3