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DAQmx 9172/9477 modules lose PC connectivity

Have you tried updating the daqmx drivers? I am not sure why you are still having this problem. I had to deal with this for a while, but the USB setting seems to have reduced the likelihood, but not sure it has completely.

Also, IS your laptop (I am assuming you are using a Laptop), connected to a power source all the time?

I may not be perfect, but I'm all I got!
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Message 31 of 40

It's actually a desktop PC.  

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 40

Oops!! Well, I am not sure what's going on. I do have this issue with NI to look into, but all I have been said so far is what I have shared with you. And what you posted is exactly what I have done. Now I am worried that my USB 6008 will start behaving sporadically.


Any NI Engineers have further details on this?

I may not be perfect, but I'm all I got!
0 Kudos
Message 33 of 40



I would recommend that you update your DAQmx driver to the newest version.  It should be compatible with your system.  I've included the link below:

NI-DAQmx 9.6


Have you installed the hotfix for USB devices running on Windows XP?  This can be found at the link below:





Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 34 of 40

I will try both and let you know.   thanks for your support!

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 40

I have the same infuriating problem on my Dell PCs and on my Dell laptops here. For me, it seems to be an electrical noise issue.

I tried using a better USB cable with ferrites installed. I tried re-routing the usb cable. SO for, nothing works. Next, I plan to try a USB isolator.

I am really hesitant to use these on future designs.

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 40

I tried the USB isolator - not much help. I will next try opto-isolating the I/O.

The 9477 seems to be very sensitive to noise. I'm now having the same problem in another test system that uses the 9477.

That one has an electrical motor in the system.

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 40

Hi khalsans,


It looks like this thread has been inactive for a while, so you may find more success by opening a new forum thread. New threads are more likely to catch the attention of other users on this forum, and you'll have a better chance of receiving user input with your issue.


Also please make sure to post your DAQmx driver version and computer make, model, and operating system, as well what kind of noise you're receiving on the USB wire. Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 40

The error occurs under every version of Labview I've thrown at it, so it's a harware problem.

It's not noise on the USB line, but noise on the digital lines that causes the problem.

I'm not sure what you mean by what kind of noise. I have a high voltage relay on on the system, the other system has a motor and pneumatic vavles .

My suspicion is that the digital lines are seeing signals bounce below ground and are latching up.





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Message 39 of 40

We finally solved the problem - the high voltage relay was coupling really nasty noise spikes into the DIO line. Once we isolated that, the USB did not lock up.

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Message 40 of 40