02-02-2007 09:19 PM
02-05-2007 01:44 PM
02-05-2007 10:31 PM
To Sandra T.
Thanks for advice. Max did not recognize the card, thus I reinstalled the NI-DAQ 7.4.1., but it did not want to install the NIMax since there was a higher version already there. Thus I removed the NIMax and tried again with the to installation NJ-DAQ. It did not want to install NImax again, but the NIMax was not there? This way I lost NImax and cannot reinstall the NI-DAQ. How to remove the traces of NImax sitting somewhere in the system that block reinstallation? The information on NImax sits probably somewhere in the registry?
Should I also uninstall the LabVIEW 8 and everything under National Instruments folders before I could proceed?
02-06-2007 01:11 PM
Hello Rich111,
So you tried all the troubleshooting steps I recommended? Did any of those
steps resolve the issue?
From your last post, I understand you have downloaded the NI-DAQ 7.4.1 driver
and tried reinstalling it. Was the installation successful?
That is correct, since it detected a newer Measurement & Automation on your
system it will not install the older version of the software.
How did you delete MAX off your system? Did you go into Windows Control
Panel>>Add/Remove Programs>> National Instruments Software. Click
"Change" and then found the NI Measurement and Automation Explorer
and then deleted the software?
If you deleted the program in a different way, it may have resulted with some
of the files still on your system and registry keys. If you still see the MAX
driver in Add/Remove Programs>>National Instruments Software you can try
to repair the driver.
You can also try installing a current driver, for instance NI-DAQmx 8.3, to
have that install the newest version of MAX.
I hesitate to recommend deleting NI software, before we've exhausted all that
we can do first.