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Does DAQcard 6062E work on WINDOWS 7?

Does DAQcard 6062E work on windows 7? And, can it be used with a desktop? Thanks!
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Message 1 of 8
According to the readme for the latest version of DAQmx, it is only supported with the 32 bit version.
Message 2 of 8
I see...Thanks!
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

I have a Windows 7 (32-bit) comptuer, 6062e DAQ card, and Labview 8.5.1.  I haven't been able to get DAQMX 8.6.1 or DAQMX 8.7.1 to work with my DAQ card; do these versions of DAQMX support this card with Windows 7? The device will not even show up in the device list in the LV Automation Explorer. The following link, indicates this device should be supported in 32-bit windows 7 systems.  Also, should i try NI-DAQ 7.5 (legacy)?  It looks like some people have had success with this as well.

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Message 4 of 8



What about trying the latest version of DAQmx driver (9.4 in think), although I am not sure if it is compatible with your version of LV.

You can find the download on the support page


Best regards


/* A smart device is only as smart (stupid) as its programmer. */
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

I'm struggling to get MAX to see my DAQCard 6062E. 


This week I've been updating software for a LabVIEW-based computer interfacing course I teach.  I've recently installed LabVIEW 2011 (it works), and all drivers included in the standar two-part driver download.


I'm using a Windows 7 system, and we have our computers (in a teaching lab) configured so we can choose between 32 bit and 64 bit Win7.  I've been careful to always select 32 bit Win7.  After the standard driver download, In MAX I could that I had the DAQ 9.3.5 driver. 


Then, today I downloaded the DAQ driver v. 9.4.  Still no luck.


I've tried turning off the computer, plugging in the 6062E, then starting the comptuter.  Last spring I could unplug and reinsert the 6062E while the computer was running, and that worked fine.  Now nothing seems to work.  Any tips on something else to try would be appreciated.  Thanks. 

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Message 6 of 8

Hi Dale,


Thanks for your question. I would recommend that you submit your query as a new thread rather than continuing with this. It will allow more users from the community to see your new post and help you out too.


I do not believe your problems are from compatibility issues. As mentioned in this thread, the 6062E is supported on the latest DAQmx drivers (9.4) and Windows 7 x86.


  • Are you able to see the card in Windows Device Manager?
  • Can you see the card in another laptop that has DAQmx installed?
  • Is your firewall stopping MAX from detecting your device?
  • Did install your software in the correct order=> LabVIEW Development => LabVIEW Modules & Toolkits => Drivers?
  • Is any other NI device detected in MAX?
  • Do you have any bent pins that could be causing connection loss?


The answers to these questions should hopefully help with identifying the cause of this error.


Kind regards, 

Mahdieh G
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

MahdiehG, Thanks much for your time.  I have discovered my problem.  We have a dual boot system permitting the user to choose between 32-bit and 64-bit Win 7 on start up.  What I believe was happening was that Windows was forcing updates onto the computer and then auto restarting the computer, at which point the computer switched over from 32-bit to 64-bit Win7, because 64-bit was set as the default.  So, at times, when I thought I was in 32-bit Win 7, I actually was in 64-bit Win 7.


So, now I've learned (from hard experience) to properly check, in System Properties, which operating system is in control, and also  I've learned how to change the default setting between 32-bit and 64-bit Win 7, using msconfig.  Because we will need almost exclusivey 32-bit Win 7 during the coming semester I'm setting 32-bit Win 7 as the default setting on all five of our computers.


Our 6062E cards do run with LabVIEW 2009, on the 32-bit side.  So, if all else fails, we will carry on in that way.


I'm now downloading 32-bit LabVIEW 2011 and hoping to get that running.  I do already have one question, but will create a new thread for that.


Again, thanks much.

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Message 8 of 8