Multifunction DAQ

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How do I ground a signal connected to an SCB68 pin board

I have connected the inner core of the BNC cable to the pin 68 and the external part to the pin directly below it 34. I have also pushed up the S5 and S4 switches to the upper position.   Do I need to do anything else?

When I am in MAX I go into

Driver Interface -- NI DAQmx device -- NI PCI -6052E: "Dev1"  Test panel and the analog is 0.214 and fluctuates slightly but even with the signal conditioner power switched on or off it is the same.


Driver Interface -- Traditional NI DAQ(legacy) device -- PCI -6052E(Device1) -- test panel -- the analog input is 0.215 and again fluctuates slightly but even with the signal conditioner power switched on or off it is the same. 

What do I need to do? 


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Message 11 of 12

When you have your card installed if you select _calref_vs_aignd as the input channel do you measure 5V (shown below in the attached image)?  You can also try selecting ao0_vs_aognd, and generate a signal on the AO tab.  If this works, your card seems like it should be working. 

I would also check to see if you are getting any signals from your device.  If you connect your cable connections to a DMM, do you measure anything?  Can you verify that your device is sending out the +/- 10V signal you are expecting?


Jesse O.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments

Message Edited by Jesse O on 02-09-2007 01:40 PM

Jesse O. | National Instruments R&D
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Message 12 of 12