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NI6731 no voltage on +5vdc source pins

NI6731 analog output board:  both of the +5 VDC sources (pin 8 and 14) show no voltage.  The AOs and the DIOs appear to be operating normally.


please advise.

many thanks.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

Hello Jen_b,


Page 2-12 of the DAQ Analog Output Series User Manual indicates that the +5v pin has a fuse that will break the circuit if you try to pull more than the allowed current (1 Amp).  Is possible that you're trying to pull more current than this?  If so it would be expected behavior for the voltage to drop.


I hope this helps, and have a great day!




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

hi brooks,


thanks for your response.  the lack of voltage reading occurs at the level of the pinout from the daq device…  it couldn’t then be due to overcurrent conditions, correct?


thanks in advance,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hello Jen,


My concern was that you had something connected to the +5 V pin that was pulling > 1 Amp while you were trying to measure the voltage.  Unless you have bent pins causing a short or some other connection to the +5 V pin I would expect it to read +5 V anytime that the board is powered on.


Another possibility is detailed in this article:  Self-Resetting Fuse Additional Information  If you are affected by this issue you may need to call National Instruments to get the board repaired.  If that is the case you can contact support directly using the information at  If you do this, be sure to let the engineer you talk with know about this forum post so they can know what we've already tried.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

thanks much!


I spoke with an engineer (mentioned this discussion board thread) - looks like my board has this issue.


all the best,


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Message 5 of 5