Multifunction DAQ

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Reading values from input channel in bnc 2110

I am using a BNC-2110 and a PCI 6251 card. I need to read values from the input channel of the BNC.
The input channel 1 is connected to a temperature mesurement system. How is it possible to read the temperature values for 1 minute and then store the data in Excel sheet.



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Message 1 of 23

What programming language? What exactly is the 'temperature measurement system'?


Have you seen the Getting Started with NI-DAQmx?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 23

I am using LV 7.1.


I need to create a VI that reads the values from the Channel 1 of BNC-2110.

Temperature measurement is like this. There is an oven that is being heated. The Channel 1 reads out this temperature value. (say T1). Then after an interval of time the oven is again heated up for a specific time. That temeprature is again readed by channel 1. so on... all such values from Channel 1 has to be saved.


Message Edited by Nghtcrwlr on 07-16-2009 03:34 PM

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Message 3 of 23

I know you need a VI that will read ch1. What I wanted was some information on what type of temperature device you are using - thermistor, thermocouple, rtd.


With LabVIEW, there are a large number of examples that you can look at. Open the example finder and browse to Hardware Input and Output>DAQmx>Analog Measurements>Temperature. There are also examples on writing to a file.

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Message 4 of 23


I am quite new to NI DAQ. so i thought of starting it with a simple exercise.I would like to get used to it by creating a VI that could read values from Channel 1 of BNC 2110. I plan to  create a Sine signal and give it to the channel 1 input of BNC2110. Now I need to get the voltage value of the signal. For this case do i really need to use DAQ assistant. I think DAQ assistant is used when we define a signal. If i need to get temperature values from outside , do i need to use DAQ assistant?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 23

Hi Nightcrwlr,


what you want to do is quite simple. At first, the BNC-2110 is just the Connector Block. Concentrate on the DAQ-Device you have. In your case a PCI-6251. And before you begin to program around, make sure the card is working. Please open the Measurement & Automation Explorer and check the Device, by using the testpanels. After you successfully saw your signals, you can start thinking about what you need to measure and how to do this. Always have in mind, LabVIEW is a programming language. This means consider to use a statemachine or something like that. And as Dennis wrote before, there are a couple of examples, which explain how to measure a signal. You should start with a example like this:




And as a person, who teaches courses at NI. I would suggest you to visit our trainings. Because this Forum was opened in Switzerland, here´s a link to our upcoming training courses in Ennetbaden and Lausanne. We have an excellent LabVIEW DAQ Course. In my oppinion a 3 day training can save up to 3-4 weeks of selftraing and trying.




Best regards

Alex Rudolph

NI Switzerland



Message 6 of 23

Hello All

I looked at the ont Acq&Graph Voltage - Write Data to File (TDMS).vi.  In that VI we get only results from one channel, right?  If i need to acquire  results from different channels , say 4 channels, then a repeated 4 subVIs of this same one will work, isnt it?




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 23
No. Repeating the VI 4 times will not work at all. All that you have to do is specify multiple channels in the single VI. for example Dev1/ai0:2 for channels 0 through 2 or Dev1/ai0,Dev1/ai2 for channels 0 and 2.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 23
Dou you mean creating different input channels using different " DAQmx Create virtual" , assigning different channels??

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 23

No. You use the existing channel control. You only use different DAQmx Create Channel functions if your channels use different min/max or connection types - diff, sre, etc.


Have you gone through the getting started information I gave the link to?

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Message 10 of 23