Multifunction DAQ

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Simulated Analog Inputs...

Thanks to Andrew S for the very helpful answer to my last question.
Regarding analog inputs on simulated devices, I get the impression the simulated input is always a sine wave with an amplitude set to the maximum Signal Input range as set in MAX.  But I am confused about what the frequency of this sine wave is supposed to be.
Using the DAQmx VIs, if I read 1000 samples at a rate of 10 samples per second, I seem to capture a complete cycle in 100s.  If I read 1000 samples at a rate of 1000 samples per second, I seem to capture a complete cycle in 1 second.  Hence the frequency of the sine wave went up, right?  Otherwise in one of the two cases above I should have captured less than a complete cycle.  Am I understanding this correctly?  Thanks...
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When you set up an analog input task on a simulated device, there is no way to specify what your input signal frequency and amplitude are, so the decision is made by the driver.  The only timing that is simulated when using a simulated device in MAX is the duration of time for the task to complete.  You should always be returned a full cycle of the sinewave in the amount of time that it takes for the task to complete in a real-world situation (100 seconds = 1000samples/10Hz, 1 second = 1000samples/1000Hz).

Andrew W
National Instruments
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