Multifunction DAQ

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Voltage pulse generations and analog input measurements



   First of all, I have a M series DAQ board.

   I'm using LabWindows/CVI to make a program to do following jobs.

   Any suggestions or examples whould be very helpful.


   1. Generate a train of ascending or descending voltage pulse train with specific pulse width and delay width.

      (For example, voltage pulse from 0V to 5V in steps of 1V with base at 0V and with pulse width of 1msec and pulse delay of 5msec between pulses)


   2. Analog inputs of certain number of samples while the voltage pulses are at the high states (not at the base).


Thank you in advance.


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Hi slumber70,


Have you tried looking at some our CVI shipping examples? These should be installed with your DAQmx drivers and should be found under C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\CVI\samples\DAQmx. Since you want to vary the voltage of your pulse, we will have to create an analog output task. I think a good starting point is the Mult Voltage Update example and this can be found under \Analog Out\Generate Voltage\Mult Volt Updates-Int Clk. Although this example is not complete, you can easily modify the code to generate a custom waveform as opposed to the ones predefined in the example.


As for synchronizing an analog input task with and analog output, you can take a look at the example code under Synchronization\Multi-Function\Synch AI-AO. This code shows you how you can use a common start trigger to trigger both the generation and acquisition on your board.


Hopefully this should help you get started in your application. Please let me know if you have any questions.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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